(()=>{"use strict";var t={d:(e,n)=>{for(var r in n)t.o(n,r)&&!t.o(e,r)&&Object.defineProperty(e,r,{enumerable:!0,get:n[r]})},o:(t,e)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e),r:t=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},e={};t.r(e),t.d(e,{actions:()=>S,addAction:()=>m,addFilter:()=>p,applyFilters:()=>k,createHooks:()=>h,currentAction:()=>w,currentFilter:()=>I,defaultHooks:()=>f,didAction:()=>O,didFilter:()=>j,doAction:()=>b,doingAction:()=>x,doingFilter:()=>T,filters:()=>z,hasAction:()=>v,hasFilter:()=>y,removeAction:()=>A,removeAllActions:()=>F,removeAllFilters:()=>g,removeFilter:()=>_});const n=function(t){return"string"!=typeof t||""===t?(console.error("The namespace must be a non-empty string."),!1):!!/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/]*$/.test(t)||(console.error("The namespace can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods, underscores and slashes."),!1)},r=function(t){return"string"!=typeof t||""===t?(console.error("The hook name must be a non-empty string."),!1):/^__/.test(t)?(console.error("The hook name cannot begin with `__`."),!1):!!/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$/.test(t)||(console.error("The hook name can only contain numbers, letters, dashes, periods and underscores."),!1)},o=function(t,e){return function(o,i,s,c=10){const l=t[e];if(!r(o))return;if(!n(i))return;if("function"!=typeof s)return void console.error("The hook callback must be a function.");if("number"!=typeof c)return void console.error("If specified, the hook priority must be a number.");const u={callback:s,priority:c,namespace:i};if(l[o]){const t=l[o].handlers;let e;for(e=t.length;e>0&&!(c>=t[e-1].priority);e--);e===t.length?t[e]=u:t.splice(e,0,u),l.__current.forEach((t=>{t.name===o&&t.currentIndex>=e&&t.currentIndex++}))}else l[o]={handlers:[u],runs:0};"hookAdded"!==o&&t.doAction("hookAdded",o,i,s,c)}},i=function(t,e,o=!1){return function(i,s){const c=t[e];if(!r(i))return;if(!o&&!n(s))return;if(!c[i])return 0;let l=0;if(o)l=c[i].handlers.length,c[i]={runs:c[i].runs,handlers:[]};else{const t=c[i].handlers;for(let e=t.length-1;e>=0;e--)t[e].namespace===s&&(t.splice(e,1),l++,c.__current.forEach((t=>{t.name===i&&t.currentIndex>=e&&t.currentIndex--})))}return"hookRemoved"!==i&&t.doAction("hookRemoved",i,s),l}},s=function(t,e){return function(n,r){const o=t[e];return void 0!==r?n in o&&o[n].handlers.some((t=>t.namespace===r)):n in o}},c=function(t,e,n=!1){return function(r,...o){const i=t[e];i[r]||(i[r]={handlers:[],runs:0}),i[r].runs++;const s=i[r].handlers;if(!s||!s.length)return n?o[0]:void 0;const c={name:r,currentIndex:0};for(i.__current.push(c);c.currentIndex

All-in-One WP Migration is not able to create AI1WM_STORAGE_INDEX_HTML file. Try to change permissions of the parent folder or send us an email at support@servmask.com for assistance.

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font-weight: 600; } #form_settings_page .frm-inner-content { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 150px; position: relative; } .frm_wrap #submitdiv { margin-bottom: 0; border-width: 0 0 1px; width: 100%; min-width: unset; } .frm_wrap #frm_adv_info .handlediv, .frm_wrap #frm_adv_info .hndle { display: none; } .frm_wrap .menu-settings { /* for add-on reverse compatibility */ border: none; margin-top: 0; } .nodrag a { cursor: pointer; } .frm_wrap #frm_adv_info .inside { margin: 0; } #frm_adv_info > .inside { padding: 0; } .frm-right-panel .frm-inline-modal.postbox .inside { margin: 0; padding-top: 0; } .frm-right-panel .frm-inline-modal .inside p:not(.howto), .frm-right-panel .frm-inline-modal .inside a { font-size: 15px; } .frm-inline-modal .inside a.frm_icon_font { font-size: 18px; } .frm-right-panel .frm_field_list #frm-insert-fields { max-height: none; font-size: var(--text-sm); padding: 0; } .frm-nav-tabs { margin: 10px 0 20px; padding: 0 var(--gap-sm); display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); 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background: var(--orange); border: 1px solid var(--orange); } .frm_reverse_button { font-size: 1em; transition: all .2s ease; } .frm-button-primary, .wp-core-ui .button-primary.frm-button-primary, .wp-core-ui .button.frm-button-primary, .frm-button-secondary, .wp-core-ui .button-secondary.frm-button-secondary, .wp-core-ui .button.frm-button-secondary, .frm-white-body .frm-search .button, .frm-white-body .search-box .button, /* Views */ .frm-white-body .tablenav .button, .frm_orange_button, .toplevel_page_formidable #frm_upgrade_modal .button-primary, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button-primary, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button-secondary, .frm-white-body .button-primary, .frm-white-body .button-secondary, #frm-form-button button, .frm-preview-buttons button, .frm-button-red, .frm-button-tertiary { text-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 30px; border: 1px solid var(--primary-500); font-size: var(--text-sm); transition: all .2s ease; padding: 7px 16px; height: auto; min-height: 28px; 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width: var(--text-xs); } .frm-white-body .button.add_media { /* Media buttons above RTE */ padding-left: 12px !important; padding-right: 12px !important; font-size: var(--text-xs); border-radius: var(--border-radius); } .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body #post-query-submit.button, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.tablenav-pages-navspan, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.first-page, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.prev-page, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.next-page, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.last-page, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button.action { background-color: transparent; border-color: var(--grey-300); color: var(--grey-700); border-radius: var(--border-radius); } .post-type-frm_display.wp-core-ui .button-primary, .frm-button-primary, .wp-core-ui .button-primary.frm-button-primary, .frm_single_entry_page .button-primary { background-color: var(--primary-500) !important; color: #fff !important; } .frm-button-primary.frm_large{ font-size: var(--text-md) !important; height: auto !important; padding: 9px 18px !important; } .frm-button-primary i:before { color: #fff; } .wp-core-ui .button-primary.frm-button-primary:hover, .frm-button-primary:hover { background: var(--primary-700) !important; border-color: var(--primary-700) !important; } .wp-core-ui .button-primary.frm-button-primary:active { vertical-align: inherit; } .frm-white-body #search-submit, #frm-form-button .frm_button_submit, .frm-white-body .frm-preview-buttons button, .frm-white-body .button:not(.frm-button-primary), .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button-secondary, .wp-core-ui .button-secondary.frm-button-secondary, .wp-core-ui .button.frm-button-secondary, .frm-white-body .frm-button-secondary, .frm-button-secondary { color: var(--grey-800); border-color: var(--grey-300); background-color: #fff; } #wp-content-media-buttons button, #wp-content-media-buttons a.button { border-color: var(--grey-300); } .frm_orange_button { border-color: #da791d !important; background: var(--orange); color: #fff; } .frm-white-body .button:not(.frm-button-primary):focus, .frm-white-body .button:not(.frm-button-primary):active, .frm-white-body .frm-button-secondary:hover, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .frm-button-secondary:hover, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button-secondary:hover, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .button-secondary:focus, .wp-core-ui.frm-white-body .tablenav .button:hover, .frm_wrap .preview > .button:hover { border-color: var(--grey-300) !important; color: var(--grey-800); background: var(--grey-50) !important; box-shadow: none !important; outline: none !important; } .frm-button-primary .frmsvg { color: #fff; } .frm_wrap .preview i { font-size: inherit; } .frm-white-body .frm-button-primary:focus, .frm-white-body .frm-button-primary:active, #frm-addons-page .button-primary:focus, #form_global_settings .button-primary:focus, #frm_upgrade_modal .button:focus { border-color: var(--primary-700) !important; background-color: var(--primary-700) !important; box-shadow: none !important; outline: none !important; } .frm_wrap .preview > .button:focus, .frm_orange_button:hover, .frm_orange_button:focus, .toplevel_page_formidable #frm_upgrade_modal .button-primary:hover, .toplevel_page_formidable #frm_upgrade_modal .button-primary:focus, .toplevel_page_formidable .frm_wrap button.button-primary:hover, .toplevel_page_formidable .frm_wrap button.button-primary:focus { outline: none; } .frm_orange_button:hover, .frm_orange_button:focus { border-color: var(--orange) !important; background: transparent; color: var(--orange); opacity: 1; } .major-publishing-actions.frm_create_form_header { padding: 8px 0; } .major-publishing-actions.frm_create_form_header .frm_create_form_header_inner { font-size: 15px; background: transparent; } .frm-menu-boxes .frm_blank_form_text { padding-bottom: 26px; } input.frm_insert_in_template { font-size: 10px; width: 98%; font-weight: normal } /* Review request */ .frm-review-notice.notice { border: 1px solid #ddd; text-align: center; position: fixed !important; z-index: 999; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 400px; } .frm-review-notice.notice form, .frm-review-notice.notice p { font-size: var(--text-sm); max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .frm-review-notice a { margin: 0 var(--gap-xs) !important; } .frm-review-notice .frm-button-primary, .frm-review-notice .frm-button-secondary { min-width: 100px; } .frm-review-notice p > span { font-size: 13px; opacity: 0.75; } #frmapi-feedback { margin-top: var(--gap-lg); } .frm-review-notice .frm_error, .frm-review-notice label { color: #444; text-align: left; } .frm-review-notice label { font-size: var(--text-sm); } .frm-floating-success-message { border-radius: 4px; right: 10px !important; bottom: 10px !important; } /* Generic Classes */ .frm_no_margin, /* deprecated */ .frm-m-0 { margin: 0 !important; } .frm-m-12 { margin: var(--gap-2xl); } .frm_no_top_margin, /* deprecated */ .frm-mt-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; } .frm_no_bottom_margin, /* deprecated */ .frm-mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .frm-mb-sm { margin-bottom: var(--gap-sm) !important; } .frm-mb-md { margin-bottom: var(--gap-md) !important; } .frm-mb-lg { margin-bottom: var(--gap-lg) !important; } .frm-mx-sm { margin-left: var(--gap-sm) !important; margin-right: var(--gap-sm) !important; } .frm-p-1 { padding: 4px; } .frm-p-4 { padding: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-p-6 { padding: var(--gap-md); } .frm-text-md { font-size: var(--text-md); } .frm-text-lg { font-size: var(--text-lg); } .frm-text-xl { font-size: var(--text-xl); } .frm-w-auto { width: auto !important; } .frm-w-full { width: 100% !important; } .frm-flex-box { display: flex; gap: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-gap-xs { gap: var(--gap-xs); } .frm-gap-sm { gap: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-gap-md { gap: var(--gap-md); } .frm-justify-between { justify-content: space-between; } .frm-transition-ease { transition: all .2s ease; } .frm_invisible { visibility: hidden; transition: all .2s ease; } .frm_no_float { float: none; } .frm_block, /* deprecated */ .frm-block { display: block; } .frm_inline { display: inline; } .frm_inline_block { display: inline-block !important; } .frm_hidden { display: none; } .frm-text-right { text-align: right; } .frm-border-b { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); } .frm-no-border { border: none !important; } .frm-opacity-100 { opacity: 1; } .frm-on-bottom { z-index: -1; } /* End Generic Classes, Start Forced Generic Classes */ .frm-fields p > label.frm_hidden, .frm-lookup-modal .dismiss, .frm-right-panel .inside a.frm_hidden, #form_global_settings .frm_hidden, ul.frm_form_nav > li.frm_hidden, a.frm_hidden, .button.frm_hidden, .wp-core-ui .button.frm_hidden { display: none; } .postbox .inside > p.frm_no_bottom_margin:last-child { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .frm_no_section_fields.frm_block { display: block; } .actions.frm_visible_overflow { overflow: visible !important; } .frm_full_opacity, /* deprecated */ .frm_submit .frm_full_opacity, .frm_submit .frm-opacity-100 { opacity: 1; } .frm-dropdown-menu.frm-on-top { z-index: 99999; } /* End Forced Generic Classes */ .frm_forms.with_frm_style { max-width: 100%; } .post-type-frm_display .wrap > .subsubsub, .post-type-frm_display .wrap > .icl_subsubsub, .frm_form_settings > p { margin: 6px var(--gap-md); padding: 0; } .frm-entry-container { margin: 0 40px 40px; padding: 0; } #form_reports_page .frm-inner-content { width: calc(100% - 40px); max-width: 900px; margin: 20px auto; padding: 20px; } .frm_inner_field_container > .frm_form_fields { clear: both; } .post-type-frm_display h2, .frm_wrap h2 { margin-top: 0 !important; font-size: var(--text-lg); line-height: var(--leading); } .post-type-frm_display .wrap > h2:first-child, .frm_wrap .wrap > h2:first-child { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0 !important; font-size: var(--text-lg); } #frm_form_editor_container { position: relative; margin-top: 28px; } .form-field p { /* for conflicts */ background: none; border: none; } .form-field label.frm_primary_label { display: block; float: none; width: auto; } #frm_view_editor_left label, /* Views */ #frm_view_editor_left .frm_primary_label, /* Views */ .frm-dialog .frm-sub-label, .frm-dialog label, .dropdown .frm_primary_label, .accordion-container label, .frm-fields td > label, .frm-fields td > div > label, .frm_form_field > label:first-child, .frm-fields p > label, .frm_on_submit_type > label, .post-type-frm_display .frm_form_field > label, #new_fields .frm_primary_label, #form_global_settings .frm_primary_label, #frm_form_editor_container .frm_primary_label { color: var(--grey-700); margin: 0 0 3px; padding: 0; width: auto; font-size: var(--text-sm); display: block; line-height: var(--leading); } .frm-fields td input + label { display: inline; } #frm_form_editor_container .edit_field_type_end_divider .frm_primary_label, #frm_form_editor_container .edit_field_type_break .frm_primary_label { display: none; } form .frm_primary_label input { font-size: 12px; } .with_frm_style form .form-field { margin-bottom: 20px; } #frm_builder_page .with_frm_style form .frm_combo_inputs_container > .form-field { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm_description, .with_frm_style form div.description, .frm_error, .with_frm_style form div.description textarea { padding: 0; font-size: 11px; } .with_frm_style .description { color: inherit; } #frm_form_editor_container .divider_section_only .frm_primary_label { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: var(--gap-xs); font-size: 20px; } #frm_form_editor_container .divider_section_only .frm_primary_label .frm-sub-label { padding: 0; } form .form-field.frm_field_loading { margin-bottom: 0; min-height: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; } .frm_sorting > .frm_field_loading .frm_visible_spinner.frm-wait { margin-bottom: 10px; } .frm_sorting > .frm_field_loading ~ .frm_field_loading .frm_visible_spinner.frm-wait { margin-bottom: 0; display: none; } .frm_description, .with_frm_style form div.description, .frm_error { margin: 0; } .frm_error { color: #B94A48; } form .frm_blank_field input, form .frm_blank_field textarea, form .frm_blank_field select, form .frm_blank_field .frm-g-recaptcha iframe, form .frm_blank_field .g-recaptcha iframe { border-color: #B94A48; } form .frm_blank_field label { color: #B94A48; } .frm_required { color: #B94A48; } .with_frm_style .wp-editor-container textarea, .postbox .wp-editor-container textarea, .frm_remove_border { border: none; } .with_frm_style .mceIframeContainer, .postbox .mceIframeContainer { background-color: #fff; } .frm_pro_license_msg { clear: left; margin-top: 10px; } .frm-license-input { position: relative; } .frm-license-input span { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 5px; padding: 0 10px; font-size: 15px; } .frm-license-input .frmsvg { width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: text-top; } .frm-license-input .frmsvg, .frm-license-input span, .frm-license-input i { color: rgb(0, 131, 26); } .upgrade_to_pro { padding: 10px 25px 25px; max-width: 700px; margin: 20px auto !important; } .upgrade_to_pro .error { display: none; } .toplevel_page_formidable #wpbody-content > .error { margin: 1px; padding: 5px 12px; } .frm_error_style, .frm_warning_style, .frm_note_style, .frm_message, #post-body-content .frm_updated_message, div.frm_updated_message { border-radius: var(--small-radius); background-color: #D5F2DC; color: #1E561F; padding: var(--gap-sm) var(--gap-md); font-size: var(--text-sm); margin: var(--gap-sm) 0; text-align: left; } #frm_top_bar + .wrap > .frm_updated_message, #frm_top_bar + .wrap > .frm_warning_style { display: inline-block; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } #post-body-content > .frm_updated_message { margin: 5px 65px; } #form_global_settings #post-body-content > .frm_updated_message, #form_global_settings #post-body-content > .frm_warning_style { margin: 5px 25px; } .frm_error_style { color: #973937; background-color: #EBCCCC; clear: both; } .frm_error_style a { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 600; } .frm_error_style svg { opacity: .7; } .frm_warning_style { color: #7A4D05; background-color: #FFF2D2; } .frm_warning_heading{ font-weight: bold; margin-bottom:4px; } /* Warning message dismiss */ .frm_warning_style { position: relative; padding-right: calc(var(--gap-md) + 15px); } body.rtl .frm_warning_style { padding-right: var(--gap-md); padding-left: calc(var(--gap-md) + 15px); } .frm-warning-dismiss { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; display: flex; cursor: pointer; transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; } body.rtl .frm-warning-dismiss { left: 10px; right: auto; } .frm-warning-dismiss:hover { opacity: 0.8; } .frm-warning-dismiss.frmsvg, .frm-warning-dismiss.frmsvg svg { width: 15px; height: 15px; } .frm_note_style { background: rgba(188, 224, 253, 0.23); color: var(--grey-700); } .frm-banner-alert { text-align: left; margin: 0; border-radius: 0; padding: 10px 0 10px 40px; } .frm-banner-alert a { color: var(--primary-500); font-weight: 400; text-decoration: none; } .frm_updated_message ul, .frm_updated_message li, .frm_warning_style ul, .frm_warning_style li, .frm_error_style ul, .frm_error_style li { margin: 0; } .frm-inline-message { border: 1px solid var(--primary-700); border-radius: var(--small-radius); color: var(--primary-700); background: #fff; text-align: center; padding: 20px; font-size: var(--text-sm); line-height: var(--leading); } .frm-inline-message a { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 600; color: var(--primary-700); } .frm_pro_heading span { margin-top: 10px; } .frm_pro_heading .alignright { text-align: right; } .frm-yes { color: var(--green); font-size: var(--text-xl); } .frm-nope { color: var(--grey-400); font-size: var(--text-xl); } .upgrade_to_pro a { color: var(--orange); } .upgrade_to_pro table .frmsvg { height: var(--text-xl); width: var(--text-xl); } .upgrade_to_pro table.widefat { background-color: #fff; border-collapse: collapse; } .frm-white-body .upgrade_to_pro table th, .upgrade_to_pro table td { padding: 10px 15px; border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); line-height: var(--leading); font-size: var(--text-sm); } .upgrade_to_pro table th.frmcenter { text-align: center; } .widefat th.frm_table_break { background-color: var(--sidebar-color); } h2.frm-h2 + .howto { color: var(--medium-grey); max-width: 850px; margin: 5px 0 20px; } .frm-admin-page-addons #frm-using-lite { display: none; } .frm-admin-page-addons .frm-search { margin-top: 0; } .frm-addons { margin-top: var(--gap-lg); display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: var(--gap-md); } .frm-addons, .frm-addons h2, .frm-addons h3 { color: var(--grey-700); } .frm-addons h2 { font-size: 17px; } .frm-addons h3 { margin-top: 0; } .frm-card { width: 100%; border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); opacity: 1; transition: opacity 1s; } .frm-fade { opacity: 0; transition: all 1s; } /* Add-on tiles */ .frm-addons .frm-card.frm-addon-not-installed { position: relative; } .frm-addons .plugin-card-top { min-height: 155px; padding-top: var(--gap-lg); overflow: hidden; } .frm-addons .plugin-card-top h2 { margin-top: 0; font-weight: 400; } .frm-template-row p, .frm-addons .plugin-card-top p { opacity: 0.8; } .frm-addons .plugin-card-bottom { padding: 5px 20px 20px; text-align: center; background: transparent; border-top: none; } .frm-addons .plugin-card-bottom, .frm-addons .plugin-card-bottom .button { font-size: 15px; } .frm-addons .button { float: right; } .frm-addons .addon-status { float: left; padding-top: 4px; } .frm-addon-active .button { visibility: hidden; } .frm-save-and-reload-options { margin-top: 10px; font-size: 13px; } .frm-save-and-reload, .frm-save-and-reload + .frm-button-secondary { visibility: visible !important; } .addon-status-label { opacity: .7; } .frm-addon-active .addon-status-label { color: var(--green); opacity: 1; } .frm-addon-error { position: absolute; top: 55px; left: 10px; right: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } /* Form Templates */ .frm-featured-form .frm-inner-circle { margin: 0 auto 5px; } .frm-new-template.plugin-card-bottom { overflow: visible; } #frm-new-template p:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .frm-admin-page-formidableedit #wpbody-content > *:not(.frm-review-notice):not(.frm_previous_install):not(.frm-banner-alert), #wpbody-content > .updated, #wpbody-content > #update-nag, #wpbody-content > .update-nag, #wpbody-content > .notice:not(.frm-review-notice), #wpbody-content > .error:not(.frm_previous_install), .frm-white-body .updated, .frm-white-body .notice:not(.frm-review-notice), .frm-white-body .error:not(.frm_previous_install) { display: none; } .frm-admin-page-formidableedit #frm_builder_page { display: block !important; } .frm-white-body .updated, .frm-white-body .notice, .frm-white-body .error { margin: 0; padding: 10px 20px; } .frm-modal .postbox, #frm_new_form_modal .postbox { max-height: 600px; overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 0; } .frm-modal .postbox .frm_modal_top, .frm-dialog .frm_common_modal .postbox > div:first-child { padding: var(--gap-md) var(--gap-md) 0; position: relative; } .frm-modal .postbox .frm-modal-title, .frm-dialog .frm_common_modal .postbox > div:first-child > div:first-child { display: inline-block; font-size: var(--text-xl); color: var(--grey-900); } .frm-inline-modal > a.dismiss, .frm-modal .postbox > a.dismiss, .frm-modal .postbox .frm-modal-title + div:last-child, .frm-dialog .frm_common_modal .postbox > div:first-child > div:last-child { position: absolute; right: 30px; top: 25px; z-index: 2; } body.rtl .frm-inline-modal > a.dismiss, body.rtl .frm-modal .postbox > a.dismiss, body.rtl .frm-modal .postbox .frm-modal-title + div:last-child, body.rtl .frm-dialog .frm_common_modal .postbox > div:first-child > div:last-child { right: unset; left: 30px; } .frm-info-modal .postbox > a.dismiss, .frm-inline-modal > a.dismiss { right: 13px; top: 13px; } .frm-modal .postbox .frm-modal-title + div:last-child a, .frm-modal a.dismiss .frmsvg, .frm_common_modal .frm_modal_top a .frmsvg { color: var(--grey-900); } .frm-modal .frm_modal_content > div.inside, .frm_common_modal .frm_modal_content > div.inside { padding: var(--gap-md); margin: 0; font-size: var(--text-sm); color: var(--grey-700); } .frm_common_modal .postbox { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .frm-modal .postbox > div.inside .cta-inside { overflow-y: auto; height: auto; padding: 0 var(--gap-sm); } .frm_modal_footer { padding: 0 var(--gap-md) var(--gap-sm); text-align: right; } body.frm-body-with-open-modal { overflow-y: hidden; } #frm_new_form_modal .postbox > div.inside { max-height: 490px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 10px 0 0; } #frm_new_form_modal .postbox > div.inside .cta-inside { overflow-y: auto; height: auto; padding: 0 var(--gap-md); } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-container { width: 100%; } .frm-templates-list { margin-top: 0; } .frm-templates-list.frm_grid_container li { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm-templates-list li { vertical-align: top; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid transparent; text-align: left; } .frm-templates-list li:not(.frm_hidden) { display: inline-block; } .frm-templates-list.frm-categories-list li { width: 100%; } .frm-templates-list li.frm-selectable { cursor: pointer; } .frm-templates-list li.frm-selectable:hover { background: var(--light-blue); border-color: rgba(65, 153, 253, 0.5); } .frm-templates-list li.frm-selectable:hover h3, .frm-templates-list li.frm-selectable:hover p { max-width: calc( 100% - 65px ); } .frm-templates-list .frm-featured-form { display: flex; width: 100%; } .frm-templates-list li .frm-featured-form { padding: 7px 5px; } .frm-templates-list li li > div { padding-left: 0; } .frm-templates-list li > div > div { vertical-align: middle; } .frm-templates-list .frm-inner-circle, .frm-category-icon, /* Deprecated */ .frm-icon-wrapper { background: var(--primary-500); border-radius: var(--small-radius); color: #fff; width: 40px; height: 40px; font-size: 18px; box-sizing: border-box; align-self: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; display: inline-flex; } .frm-templates-list .frm-inner-circle .frmsvg { vertical-align: top; } .frm-templates-list li .frm-category-icon { overflow: hidden; align-self: flex-start; } .frm-templates-list .frm-template-details { /* the content container to the right of the icon in Create new form modal */ display: inline-block; width: calc( 100% - 40px ); padding-left: var(--gap-sm); box-sizing: border-box; transform: translateY(-2px); } .frm-templates-list li h3, .frm-templates-list li p { text-align: left; margin: 0; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .frm-templates-list li h3, .frm-templates-list .frm-install-template h3 { font-size: var(--text-sm) !important; } .frm-templates-list .frm-install-template div { text-align: left; } #frm_new_form_modal .frm-search { width: 100%; margin: var(--gap-sm) 0 var(--gap-md); } #frm_leave_email, #frm_code_from_email { width: 480px; } #frm_new_form_modal #template-search-input { width: 100%; } #frm-email-block .frm-with-left-icon .frmsvg { padding: 0; top: 0; left: 13px; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-container { display: inline-block; padding: 0; border-top: 1px solid var(--grey-300); box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 5px; width: calc( 100% - 10px ); } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section-title { padding: 0; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section-title:hover, .control-section:hover .accordion-section-title, #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section.open .accordion-section-title { background: #fff !important; border-bottom-color: transparent; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section.open:hover { border-bottom-color: transparent; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section { padding: 8px 0 4px; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section + .accordion-section { border-top: 1px solid var(--grey-300); border-radius: 0; } .frm-templates-list.frm-categories-list li > div > div:last-child, #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section .frm-featured-form { padding-left: 0; } #frm_new_form_modal .frm-templates-list.frm-categories-list .accordion-section-title { padding-left: var(--gap-sm); } #frm_new_form_modal .frm-templates-list.frm-categories-list li.frm-selectable { padding: 0 10px; overflow: hidden; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section-content { padding: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-hover-icons { position: absolute; right: 0; top: calc( ( 58px - 2px - 22px ) / 2 ); /* Template item height - borders - icon height */ max-width: 91px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0 10px 0 5px !important; border-radius: var(--small-radius); text-align: right; display: flex; gap: 5px; } .frm-ready-made-solution .frm-hover-icons { visibility: hidden; } .frm-ready-made-solution:hover .frm-hover-icons { visibility: visible; } .frm-hover-icons a { width: 22px; height: 22px; font-size: var(--text-md); display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: var(--leading); text-align: center; } .frm-hover-icons > .frm-preview-form, .frm-hover-icons > .frm-delete-form { border: 1px solid var(--primary-500); } .frm-hover-icons > .frm-create-form, .frm-ready-made-solution .frm-hover-icons a { background-color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-hover-icons > a .frmsvg { width: 14px; height: 14px; vertical-align: baseline; } .frm-hover-icons > .frm-preview-form .frmsvg, .frm-hover-icons > .frm-delete-form .frmsvg { color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-hover-icons > .frm-unlock-form { background-color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-hover-icons > .frm-unlock-form .frmsvg { background-color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-ready-made-solution .frmsvg { width: 14px; height: 14px; } .frm-hover-icons .frm-create-form svg, .frm-ready-made-solution .frm-hover-icons svg { color: #fff; } .frm-hover-icons .frm-create-form:hover, .frm-ready-made-solution .frm-hover-icons a:hover, .frm-hover-icons > .frm-unlock-form:hover, .frm-hover-icons > .frm-unlock-form:hover .frmsvg { background-color: var(--primary-700) !important; } .frm-hover-icons .frm-preview-form:hover, .frm-hover-icons .frm-delete-form:hover { border: 1px solid var(--primary-700) !important; } .frm-hover-icons .frm-preview-form:hover .frmsvg, .frm-hover-icons .frm-delete-form:hover .frmsvg { color: var(--primary-700) !important; } .frm-application-card h4 .frmsvg, .frm-locked-template h3 .frmsvg { height: var(--text-sm); width: var(--text-sm); vertical-align: text-top; color: var(--grey-500); } #frm_new_form_modal .frm-use-this-template { margin-left: 10px; } #frm_new_form_modal #frm-preview-block { padding: var(--gap-md) var(--gap-lg); overflow-x: hidden; } #frm_new_form_modal #frm-details-block { padding: var(--gap-md) var(--gap-lg); } .frm-modal-back { cursor: pointer; margin-right: 4px; } .frm-modal-cancel { float: left; } .frm-plan-required-tag { margin-left: 5px; transform: translateY(-1px); background: #FDE6DE; color: #F15A24; } .frm-ready-made-solution .frm-meta-tag { width: fit-content; background: #FDE6DE; color: #F15A24; } .frm-meta-tag { font-size: 10px; padding: 4px 6px; border-radius: 4px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; line-height: 12px; } #frm_new_form_modal.frm-expired #frm-create-block, #frm_new_form_modal.frm-expiring #frm-create-block { max-height: 450px; } #frm-create-footer { padding: 15px 20px; } #frm_code_from_email_options { margin-top: 20px; } #frm_code_from_email_options * { color: var(--primary-500); } #frm-email-block p, #frm-code-block p, #frm-renew-block p { padding: 0 40px; max-width: 400px; margin: 0 auto 20px; } li .frm-hover-icons .frm-preview-form, .frm-hover-icons .frm-unlock-form, .frm-locked-template .frm-hover-icons .frm-create-form, #frm_new_form_modal .frm-modal-back ~ span, #frm_new_form_modal .postbox > div:first-child ~ div, .frm-modal-back, #frm_new_form_modal:not([frm-page="create"]) a.dismiss, #frm_code_from_email_error span, #frm_leave_email_error span, #frm_new_form_modal .frm-delete-form, #frm-details-block #frm-new-template button, #frm-create-title span[frm-type="template"], #frm-create-title[frm-type="template"] span[frm-type="form"] { display: none; } #frm_new_form_modal:not([frm-page="create"]) .frm-modal-back, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="create"] #frm-create-title, #frm-create-title[frm-type="template"] span[frm-type="template"], #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="preview"] #frm-preview-title, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="details"] #frm-create-title, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="upgrade"] #frm-upgrade-title, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="email"] #frm-email-title, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="code"] #frm-email-title, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="renew"] #frm-renew-title, #frm_code_from_email_error[frm-error="wrong-code"] span[frm-error="wrong-code"], #frm_code_from_email_error[frm-error="empty"] span[frm-error="empty"], #frm_code_from_email_error[frm-error="custom"] span[frm-error="custom"], #frm_leave_email_error[frm-error="invalid"] span[frm-error="invalid"], #frm_leave_email_error[frm-error="empty"] span[frm-error="empty"] { display: inline-block; } .frm-locked-template .frm-hover-icons .frm-unlock-form, li[data-preview] .frm-hover-icons .frm-preview-form, #frm_new_form_modal .frm-selectable[data-custom="1"] .frm-hover-icons .frm-delete-form { display: inline-flex; } #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="create"] #frm-create-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="preview"] #frm-preview-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="details"] #frm-details-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="upgrade"] #frm-upgrade-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="email"] #frm-email-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="code"] #frm-code-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="renew"] #frm-renew-block, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="create"] #frm-create-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="preview"] #frm-preview-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="details"] #frm-details-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="upgrade"] #frm-upgrade-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="email"] #frm-email-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="code"] #frm-code-footer, #frm_new_form_modal[frm-page="renew"] #frm-renew-footer { display: block; } .frm-modal-back svg { color: #7F7F7F; } #frm-upgrade-body-list-wrapper > div { display: inline-block; width: calc( 100% / 3 ); vertical-align: top; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px; } #frm-upgrade-body-list-wrapper ul { padding-left: 40px; } #frm-upgrade-body-list-wrapper ul li:before { content: "\2022"; color: var(--primary-500); display: inline-block; width: 1em; margin-left: -1em; } /* Embed Form Modal */ .frm-embed-modal-content { padding: var(--gap-md); } .frm-embed-modal-content.frm-loading-page-options { display: flex; justify-content: center; } #frm_embed_modal .frm_embed_example { background: var(--sidebar-color); border: 1px solid var(--sidebar-hover); border-radius: var(--small-radius); color: var(--grey-900); font-size: var(--text-sm); padding-right: var(--gap-lg); width: 100%; height: auto !important; resize: none; } #frm_embed_modal textarea.frm_embed_example { padding-bottom: 0; } .frm-embed-modal-content > div a { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .frm-embed-modal-content > div { position: relative; margin-bottom: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-embed-modal-content > div:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm-embed-modal-content svg[id^="frm_copy_embed_"] { position: absolute; bottom: calc( ( 38px - 18px ) / 2 ); /* Input height - SVG height */ right: 10px; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0.5; } .frm-border-info-box, .frm-embed-modal-option { border-radius: var(--small-radius); border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding: var(--gap-sm); cursor: pointer; display: flex; gap: var(--gap-sm); font-size: var(--text-sm); } .frm-embed-modal-option + .frm-embed-modal-option { margin-top: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-collapsed .frmsvg, .caret.rotate-270, .frm-embed-modal-option .caret { align-self: center; margin-left: auto; transform: rotate(-90deg); } #frm_embed_modal .frm_modal_footer { display: none; } #frm_embed_modal.frm-on-page-2 .frm_modal_footer { display: block; } .frm-embed-modal-content ul { max-height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; } .frm-embed-modal-wrapper.frm-dialog { overflow: visible; } /* Bulk Options */ #frm-bulk-modal .frm_grid_container { grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 8.33%); grid-gap: 0; } #frm-bulk-modal .frm8 { border-right: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding: 10px 20px 10px var(--gap-lg); } #frm-bulk-modal .frm4 { padding: 10px 0; } .frm-inline-modal .howto { margin: 5px 0 10px; color: var(--grey); } .frm-inline-modal .frm_code_list + .howto { margin-bottom: 0; } #frm_bulk_options { height: 240px; width: 100%; border: none; box-shadow: none; padding: 0; } .frm-bulk-edit-link { text-align: right; font-size: var(--text-sm); padding: 0 5px 10px; } .frm-small-add { font-size: var(--text-sm) !important; } .frm-small-add span { color: var(--primary-500); font-size: 12px; height: 12px; width: 12px; } .frm_no_captcha_text { font-weight: bold; color: #AA0000; } .frm_image_from_url { height: 50px; } .frm-right-panel .inside a.frm_pro_tip, a.frm_pro_tip { font-size: var(--text-sm); display: inline-block; color: var(--grey-700); background: #FFE7DE; border-radius: var(--small-radius); padding: 5px 15px; margin: 0 auto; display: flex; align-items: center; } a.frm_pro_tip:hover { color: var(--grey-700); border-color: var(--primary-500); } a.frm_pro_tip:hover .frmsvg { fill: var(--primary-500); } .frm_field_list .frm_pro_tip { margin: 10px 15px; position: relative; width: calc(100% - 30px); box-sizing: border-box; } a.frm_pro_tip .frmsvg, a.frm_pro_tip i { color: var(--orange); margin-right: 5px; } a.frm_pro_tip .frmsvg { margin-right: 10px; } .frm-tip-info { flex: 1; text-align: left; } .frm-tip-cta { color: var(--orange); } .nav-tab-wrapper .frm_pro_tip { float: right; } .frm_pro_tip:hover .frm-tip-cta { color: var(--primary-500); } /*Switch form dropdown*/ h1 .fa-caret-down { font-size: 18px; } .caret { display: inline-block; width: 19px; height: 9px; margin-right: -8px; vertical-align: middle; } .caret, .wp-admin .frm_wrap select, .frm_wrap .frm_form_builder select, .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete-input { background: transparent url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3Csvg%20width%3D%2220%22%20height%3D%2220%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%22M5%206l5%205%205-5%202%201-7%207-7-7%202-1z%22%20fill%3D%22%23667085%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E') no-repeat right 5px top 55%; background-size: var(--text-md) var(--text-md); padding-right: var(--gap-lg) !important; } .caret { padding-right: var(--gap-xs) !important; } .frm-btn-group .caret { float: right; margin-top: calc( var(--text-md) / 2 ); } .dropdown { position: relative; } .dropdown-toggle:focus { outline: 0; } .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete, #frm_adv_info.frm-dropdown-menu, .frm-dropdown-menu { /* Copied from .dropdown-menu rules from Bootstrap */ position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 0; z-index: 1000; display: none; float: left; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; margin: var(--gap-xs) 0 0; text-align: left; list-style: none; background: none; background-color: #fff; background-clip: padding-box; border: 1px solid var(--grey-100); border-radius: 0.25rem; box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-lg); /* Custom rules */ max-height: 200px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; font-size: var(--text-md); width: auto; min-width: 160px; } .frm6 .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 100px; max-width: 99%; } #frm_bs_dropdown .frm-dropdown-menu { max-width: 400px; } .field_type_list .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 150px !important; } #frm_field_group_controls .frm-dropdown-menu, .frm-field-action-icons .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 180px !important; } .frm-field-action-icons .frm-dropdown-toggle svg { color: #9EA9B8; } .multiselect-container.frm-dropdown-menu, #search-submit .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 200px !important; } .preview .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 230px !important; } .frm-dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right { right: 0; left: auto; } .frm-dropdown-menu .divider { height: 1px; margin: 9px 0; overflow: hidden; background-color: #e5e5e5; } .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item { margin: 0; } .frm-select-list-item, .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete li > div, .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a, .frm-dropdown-menu .frm_dropdown_li { clear: both; font-weight: normal; white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; border-radius: var(--small-radius); } .frm-dropdown-menu > .active > a, .frm-dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .frm-dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { text-decoration: none; outline: 0; } .frm-select-list-item.disabled, .frm-dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .frm-dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .frm-dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { color: #999999; } .frm-select-list-item.disabled:hover, .frm-dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .frm-dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus { text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; cursor: not-allowed; } .open > .frm-dropdown-menu { display: block; } .open > a { outline: 0; } .dropdown-header { display: block; padding: 3px 10px; font-size: var(--text-xs); color: var(--grey-400); } .dropdown-backdrop { position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0; z-index: 990; } .dropdown-menu-right > .frm-dropdown-menu, .pull-right > .frm-dropdown-menu { right: 0; left: auto; } .navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown .caret { border-top: 0 dotted; border-bottom: 4px solid #000000; content: ""; } .navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown .frm-dropdown-menu { top: auto; bottom: 100%; margin-bottom: 1px; } .btn { border: 1px solid #ddd; background: #fff; height: 28px; line-height: var(--leading); } a.frm_option_icon:before { color: var(--primary-500); font-size: 22px; width: 22px; height: 22px; } a.frm_option_icon:focus::before, a.frm_option_icon:hover::before { color: var(--primary-700); } .frm_top_left .frm-dropdown-toggle { color: #999; } .frm-card ol { margin-left: 15px; } .frm-dropdown-toggle { text-decoration: none; } .frm-card .frm-dropdown-toggle { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); border-radius: var(--small-radius); font-size: 13px; color: var(--grey-700); padding: 7px 20px; } .frm_actions_dropdown .frm-dropdown-menu { font-size: var(--text-sm); color: #5F6C72; } .frm-dropdown-menu .frm_icon_font { vertical-align: middle; color: #5F6C72; margin-right: 3px; } /* BS Multiselect */ .multiselect-container.frm-dropdown-menu { top: auto; left: auto; font-size: var(--text-sm); padding: 4px; margin-bottom: 3px; } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-content { background: transparent; padding: 0; overflow: initial; } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-content > .inside { padding: 0 0 var(--gap-xs); } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-content .inside a { font-size: inherit; } #post-body-content + .frm-right-panel h3.accordion-section-title { padding: 7px 10px 8px 14px; font-size: var(--text-md); color: var(--grey-700); } .frm-right-panel .control-section.open h3 { border-bottom: none; } .js .frm-right-panel .control-section.open .accordion-section-title, .js .frm-right-panel .control-section .accordion-section-title:focus, .js .frm-right-panel .control-section .accordion-section-title:hover { background: transparent; color: var(--grey-900); } .js .frm-right-panel .control-section .accordion-section-title:hover:before { color: var(--grey-700); } .frm-with-line, .accordion-section-content h4 { font-size: var(--text-md); font-weight: 400; margin: 20px -20px 10px; padding: 0 20px; color: var(--grey-700); position: relative; border: none !important; } .frm-with-line span, .accordion-section-content h4 span { background: #fff; padding: 0 10px; position: relative; display: inline-block; z-index: 2; } .accordion-section-content h4 span { background: var(--sidebar-color); } .frm-right-panel .frm-with-line span { background: var(--sidebar-color) !important; margin-left: -4px; } .frm-right-panel .frm-inline-modal .frm-with-line span { background: #fff !important; } .frm-with-line:before, .accordion-section-content h4:before { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); left: 0; width: 100%; top: 50%; } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section { border: none; position: relative; } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title:before, .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title:after, #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section-title:after { content: "\e913" !important; font-family: "s11-fp" !important; font-size: 18px; font-variant: normal; text-rendering: auto; vertical-align: text-top; } #frm_new_form_modal .accordion-section.open .accordion-section-title:after { transform: rotate(90deg); } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title:after { top: calc(50% - 10px) !important; } .frm-right-panel .open .accordion-section-title:after { content: "\e62a" !important; } .frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\f1de" !important; color: var(--grey); font-size: 17px !important; margin: 0 10px 0 0; } .form-title-style .accordion-section-title:before, .section-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\f1dc" !important; } .form-description-style .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\e90f" !important; } .field-colors-style .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\e96d" !important; } .field-sizes-style .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\e920" !important; } .field-labels-style .accordion-section-title:before { content: "\e953" !important; } .field-description-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\e611" !important; } .check-box-radio-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\f14a" !important; } .buttons-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\e911" !important; } .repeater-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\e974" !important; } .toggle-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\f205" !important; } .slider-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\f386" !important; } .form-messages-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\e915" !important; } .date-fields-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\f073" !important; } .progress-bars-style .accordion-section-title:before{ content: "\e939" !important; } #frm_view_editor_left.frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title, .frm-right-panel h3.accordion-section-title { padding: 15px 20px; background: var(--sidebar-color); line-height: var(--leading); color: var(--grey-700); font-size: var(--text-lg); font-weight: 400; } .control-section .accordion-section-title:after, /** Form template list */ .customize-pane-child .accordion-section-title:after { top: 15px; } .accordion-container .frm-dropdown-menu { min-width: 40px; } .frm-btn-group .multiselect.dropdown-toggle { box-sizing: border-box; min-height: unset; } .accordion-container .frm-dropdown-menu:before, .accordion-container .multiselect.dropdown-toggle:before { font-family: "s11-fp" !important; } .multiselect-container { position: absolute; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; max-width: 250px; } .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option { width: 100%; text-align: left; border: none; margin-bottom: 4px; } .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option label { margin-left: 5px; } .accordion-container .multiselect-container label { padding: 3px 19px 3px 7px; } .frm-btn-group.btn-group > .btn-group:nth-child(2) > .multiselect.btn { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px } .frm-btn-group.btn-group, .frm-btn-group.btn-group-vertical { display: block; } .multiselect-option label { max-width: calc(100% - 22px); text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .frm_scale { text-align: center; float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .frm_scale input { display: block; margin: 5px } .frm_multi_fields_container { float: left; } .frm_multi_fields_container, .frm_form_builder .frm_form_fields input[type=tel] .frm_form_builder .frm_form_fields input[type=range], .frm_form_builder .frm_form_fields input[type=text] { width: 100%; height: auto; } .frm_form_builder .frm_time_wrap .frm_time_sep { vertical-align: sub; vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle; } .frm_form_builder input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { background-color: var(--blue-border); } .frm_form_builder input[type=range]::-moz-range-track { background-color: var(--blue-border); } .frm_form_builder input[type=range]::-ms-fill-lower { background-color: var(--blue-border); } .frm_form_builder input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper { background-color: var(--blue-border); } .frm-embed-field-placeholder { text-align: center; height: 145px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .frm-fake-field { display: block; height: 25px; background-color: var(--light-blue); border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); margin: 10px 0; border-radius: var(--small-radius); } .frm-embed-message { position: absolute; background: #fff; border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); color: var(--grey-700); padding: var(--gap-md); font-size: var(--text-lg); max-width: 200px; min-width: 50%; margin: 0 var(--gap-md); overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .frm-summary-message { top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 15px 0; font-size: var(--text-md); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .frm-summary-learn-more { font-size: inherit !important; } .frm-single-settings .frm-embed-message { width: 100%; position: static; border-radius: var(--small-radius); } #new_fields input[type=text], #new_fields input[type=number], .frm_field_box .frm_form_fields > textarea, .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > textarea, .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=email], .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=url], .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=number], .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=tel], .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=text], .frm_form_fields .frm_form_field > input[type=range] { width: 100%; } .frm_form_fields textarea.wp-editor-area { width: 100%; border: none; } .frm_form_fields input[type="file"], .frm_form_fields input[type="file"]:disabled { background: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none; width: auto; } .frm_form_fields select { width: auto; max-width: 100%; } input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] { width: 16px; padding: 0; } .frm_wrap .frm-number-range + .frm_last input, .frm_wrap .frm-number-range input { text-align: center; font-weight: 600; } .frm_wrap .frm-number-range input[type=number], .frm_wrap .frm-number-range input[type=text] { color: var(--primary-700); } .frm-range-min { position: relative; } .frm-range-min:after { content: ''; height: 3px; width: 10px; border-radius: 30%; background: var(--primary-700); position: absolute; top: 17px; right: -28%; } .frm_grid_container > p, .frm_grid_container > p.frm_form_field, .frm_grid_container > div.frm_form_field, #new_fields .frm_grid_container > p { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; margin-right: 0; } #new_fields div.frm_grid_container > .frm_primary_label { margin-top: 8px; } #new_fields .frm_primary_label + p, #new_fields .frm_primary_label + .frm6 + .frm6, #new_fields .frm_primary_label + .frm6 + .frm-inline-modal + .frm6 { margin-top: 0; } .frm_catlevel_2, .frm_catlevel_3, .frm_catlevel_4, .frm_catlevel_5 { margin-left: 18px; } .frm_wrap .frm-fields .auto_width, .frm_form_fields input.auto_width, .frm_form_fields select.auto_width, .frm_form_fields textarea.auto_width { width: auto !important; } .frm_form_fields select.auto_width { min-width: 60px; } .frm_form_fields input:focus, .frm_form_fields select:focus, .frm_form_fields textarea:focus, .frm_focus_field input { background-color: #fff; border-color: #ddd; } .frm_form_builder .frm_radio, .frm_form_builder .frm_checkbox { display: block; margin-bottom: 2px; } .frm_form_builder .frm_radio label, .frm_form_builder .frm_checkbox label { font-size: var(--text-sm); } /* Start copied front-end CSS */ .horizontal_radio .frm_radio, .horizontal_radio .frm_checkbox { margin-right: 5px; display: inline-block; } .frm_form_field.frm_two_col .frm_opt_container, .frm_form_field.frm_three_col .frm_opt_container, .frm_form_field.frm_four_col .frm_opt_container{ display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); grid-auto-rows: max-content; grid-gap: 0 2.5%; } .frm_form_field.frm_three_col .frm_opt_container{ grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); } .frm_form_field.frm_four_col .frm_opt_container{ grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); } .frm_form_field.frm_two_col .frm_radio, .frm_form_field.frm_two_col .frm_checkbox, .frm_form_field.frm_three_col .frm_radio, .frm_form_field.frm_three_col .frm_checkbox, .frm_form_field.frm_four_col .frm_radio, .frm_form_field.frm_four_col .frm_checkbox{ grid-column-end: span 1; } /* End copied */ .frm_wrap .with_frm_style .frm_checkbox input[type=checkbox], .frm_wrap .with_frm_style .frm_radio input[type=radio], .frm_wrap input[type=checkbox], .frm-white-body input[type=checkbox], .field-group input[type=checkbox], .frm_scale input[type=radio], .frm_radio input[type=radio], .frm_checkbox input[type=checkbox] { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); box-shadow: none; -webkit-appearance: none; } .frm_wrap .with_frm_style .frm_checkbox input[type=checkbox], .frm_wrap input[type=checkbox], .frm-white-body input[type=checkbox], .field-group input[type=checkbox], .frm_checkbox input[type=checkbox] { border-radius: 4px; } .frm-white-body input[type="checkbox"]:checked, .frm_wrap input[type="checkbox"]:checked { background-color: var(--primary-500); border-color: var(--primary-500) !important; } .frm-white-body input[type="checkbox"]:checked:focus, .frm_wrap input[type="checkbox"]:checked:focus { border-color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-white-body input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before, .frm_wrap input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before { content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%27%20viewBox%3D%270%200%2010%2010%27%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%27M9.2%202c. 5.3a.6.6%200%200%201%20.9-.8l2%202%204.6-4.5c.3-.3.6-.3.9%200Z%27%20fill%3D%27%23fff%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); height: 12px; width: 12px; margin: 1px; } .frm_radio input[type="radio"], .frm_checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { margin-right: 5px; } .frm_single_entry_page .with_frm_style .frm_radio input[type=radio] { margin: 5px 0; width: 18px; position: relative; /* override Bootstrap */ } .frm_single_entry_page .with_frm_style .frm_radio input[type=radio]:before { position: relative !important; left: calc(50% - 6px); top: calc(50% - 6px); margin: 0 !important; } .frm_inner_field_container { margin-bottom: 10px; } .frm_conf_inline .frm_inner_field_container, .frm_conf_inline .frm_inner_conf_container { width: 49%; float: left; } .frm_conf_inline .frm_inner_field_container { margin-right: 2%; clear: both; } .frm_inner_field_container > label { text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .frm_field_box:not(.edit_field_type_divider):hover > .frm_inner_field_container > label, .frm_field_box .divider_section_only:hover > .frm_inner_field_container > label, li.ui-state-default.selected > .frm_inner_field_container > label { max-width: calc(100% - 100px); } .frm-drag-fade { background-color: var(--lightest-grey) !important; border-radius: 4px; } .frm-drag-fade * { opacity: 0; } .frm-dragging .divider_section_only, .frm-dragging .frm_field_box { pointer-events: none; } .frm_form_settings #op-popup, /* 1Password */ .frm_form_settings com-1password-op-button, .frm_conf_below .frm_conf_field_container .frm_primary_label, .frm_conf_inline .frm_inner_field_container .frm-show-click a, .frm_conf_below .frm_conf_field_container .frm-show-click a { display: none !important; } .frm_conf_inline .frm_inner_field_container .frm-field-action-icons { position: absolute; right: 5px; } .frm_conf_below .frm_conf_field_container { margin-top: 10px; } .frm_calc_dec { width: 50px; } .frm_ext_sc { display: none; } .frm_long_input { width: 100% !important; box-sizing: border-box; } .frmcenter { text-align: center; } img.frm_help { margin-left: 2px; vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px; } /* Loading */ .frm_spinner.frm-wait, .frm_spinner.spinner { float: left; visibility: hidden; margin: 0 10px; } .frm_visible_spinner.frm-wait, .frm_visible_spinner.spinner { visibility: visible; float: none; } .frm_form_action_settings .frm_spinner.frm-wait, .frm_form_action_settings .frm_spinner.spinner { visibility: visible; float: none; vertical-align: bottom; } .frm_form_action_settings .frm_loading { font-size: 15px; text-align: center; } .frm_ajax_settings_tab .frm-wait, .frm_ajax_settings_tab .spinner { visibility: visible; float: none; margin-top: 20px; } .wp-core-ui .frm_loading_button.button-primary.frm-button-primary, .frm_loading_button, .frm_loading_form.frm_button_submit { position: relative !important; opacity: .8; color: transparent !important; text-shadow: none !important; } .frm_loading_button:hover, .frm_loading_button:active, .frm_loading_button:focus, .frm_loading_form.frm_button_submit:hover, .frm_loading_form.frm_button_submit:active, .frm_loading_form.frm_button_submit:focus { cursor: not-allowed; color: transparent !important; outline: none !important; box-shadow: none; } .frm-wait { margin: 20px; width: 20px; height: 20px; position: relative; display: inline-block; } #frm-show-fields .frm-wait:only-child { position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 30px; } .frm-wait:before, .frm_loading_button:before, .frm_loading_form.frm_button_submit:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; position: absolute; background: transparent; border: 1px solid #fff; border-top-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-radius: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -10px; width: 20px; height: 20px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; -moz-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; -o-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; animation: spin 2s linear infinite; } .frm-wait:before { border-bottom-color: var(--primary-700); border-right-color: var(--primary-700); } .frm_loading_button.frm-button-secondary:before { border-bottom-color: var(--primary-500); border-right-color: var(--primary-500); } input[type=submit]:focus { outline: none !important; } /* Effects */ @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } label input[type="checkbox"], label input[type="radio"] { vertical-align: inherit; } #editorcontainer #dyncontent { margin: 0; width: 100%; padding: 6px; line-height: var(--leading); border: 0 none; outline: none; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } /*ICONS*/ .frm_postbox_icon { margin: -6px 0 0 -10px; } .frm_form_builder a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .frm_form_builder .widget-title h4 { padding: 10px 15px; } .frm_form_builder .widget-top a.widget-action:after { margin: 7px 12px 0; } .frmbutton.frm_tgateway { display: none !important; } .frm_html_legend pre { display: inline; } #ed_fullscreen { display: none !important; } .frm_posttax_opt_list { overflow: auto; max-height: 200px; background-color: #fff; } .frm_posttax_opt_list p.howto { font-size: 12px; } .frm_border_bottom { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); margin-bottom: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; } .frm_posttax_opt_list .frm_border_bottom span.howto { padding-right: 10px; } .frm_posttax_opt_list .frm_border_bottom input { margin-right: 1px; } .frm_add_remove div.frm_form_field { padding-bottom: 5px; } .frm_field_opts_list { max-height: 190px; overflow: auto; } .frm_white_bg { background-color: #fff; } .frm_border_light { border: solid 1px #ddd; } #new_fields .form-table input[type=text], #new_fields .form-table select, .form-table .form-field input, .form-table .form-field .quicktags-toolbar input, .form-field input, .form-field .quicktags-toolbar input { width: auto; } .frm_aff_link { float: right; } .frm_select_box { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; background-color: transparent !important; } .wp-list-table input.frm_select_box { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; font-size: inherit !important; border: none; padding: 0 !important; background-color: transparent !important; } .wp-list-table input.frm_select_box:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: none; } .wp-list-table .frm_no_items.frm_select_box { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 500px; max-width: 100%; font-size: inherit; } #frm-options-panel { padding: 0 var(--gap-sm); color: var(--grey-900); } .frm-right-panel a.frm_add_logic_link, #frm-options-panel h3 { padding: 15px 0; margin-top: -2px; } #frm_style_sidebar h3, #frm_view_editor_left.frm-right-panel .accordion-section-title { padding: 15px 0; } .frm_field_key { background-color: #F7F7F7; } #frm_form_editor_container #edit-slug-box { padding: 0; } .frm-alt-table { width:100%; border-collapse:collapse; margin-top:0.5em; font-size:15px; } .frm-alt-table th { width:200px; } .frm-alt-table tr { background-color:transparent; } .frm-alt-table th, .frm-alt-table td { background-color:transparent; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; padding:20px; } .frm-alt-table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: var(--sidebar-color); } .frm-alt-table h3 { margin-bottom: 0; } .form-field .frm_cb_button { height: 22px; line-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 5px; } .edit_field_type_select .frm_option_val_label { margin-left: 12px; } .frm_rte { background: url(../images/rte.png) no-repeat; } .frm_rte .howto { margin: 10px 0 46px; } .subform_section { margin: 25px; } .subform_section, .subform_section label, .subform_section input { opacity: 80; } .subform_section .frm_sortable_field_opts { display: none; } #frm_form_editor_container .subform_section .frm_primary_label { display: block; } .subform_section.subform_break { border-top: 1px dashed #ccc; } .button-secondary.frm_html_field { background-color: #ededed; padding: 10px 20px; line-height: inherit; width: auto; height: auto !important; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; } .frm_html_field_placeholder { margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center; } .recaptcha_placeholder { border: 1px solid #d3d3d3; width: 300px; } .frm_sorting .frm_rte textarea { width: 653px; background: #fff; margin: 1px 0 0; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; border-top: none; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; float: none !important; } .frm_full_rte textarea { width: 98%; padding: 0; } .frm_field_box { padding: 5px; min-height: 20px; margin: 10px 0; } .frm_indent_opt, td.frm_indent_opt { padding-left: 25px; } .frm_charts object { background: transparent; } .frm_charts h2 { height: 34px; } .frm_single_option.ui-sortable-placeholder, li.sortable-placeholder { border: none; margin: 0; visibility: visible !important; box-shadow: 2px -10px 0 2px var(--primary-500); } #frm_form_editor_container > ul > .frm_single_option.ui-sortable-placeholder, #frm_form_editor_container > ul > li.sortable-placeholder { width: calc(100% - 5px) !important; height: 0 !important; } #frm_form_editor_container > ul > li > ul { position: relative; } #frm_form_editor_container > ul > li > ul > li.sortable-placeholder, #frm_form_editor_container ul.start_divider > li > ul > li.sortable-placeholder { position: absolute; top: 20px; bottom: 0; } .edit_field_type_divider + li.sortable-placeholder { box-shadow: 2px 5px 0 2px var(--primary-500); } .start_divider li.sortable-placeholder { box-shadow: 2px -5px 0 2px var(--primary-500); } .frm-is-collapsed + .sortable-placeholder { box-shadow: 2px 15px 0 2px var(--primary-500); } .frm_single_option.ui-sortable-placeholder { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px var(--primary-500); } .frm_sorting > li.edit_field_type_end_divider:first-child, .frm-show-click, li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_divider .frm-show-click { display: none; } .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .frm-field-action-icons, .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .frm_form_fields, .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .frm_description, .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .description { display: none; } .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .frm_primary_label, .frm_form_field.ui-sortable-helper .frm_inner_field_container { margin: 0 !important; } .frm-single-settings .frm-show-click { display: block !important; } .frm-show-hover, .frm_single_visible_hover, li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_divider .frm-show-hover { opacity: 0; transition: opacity .15s ease-in-out; } #frm-show-fields .frm-field-settings-open .frm-show-hover { opacity: 1; } .frm_sortable_field_opts { margin-top: 5px; } .frm_single_option { clear: both; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 5px; } .frm_product_price_wrapper, .frm_image_preview_wrapper, #new_fields .frm_single_option select, #new_fields .frm_single_option input[type=text] { width: calc(100% - 73px); } .frm-right-panel .frm_single_option a.frm_remove_tag, .frm_single_option a { padding-left: 7px; } .frm_single_option:hover .frm_single_visible_hover { opacity: 100; } .frm_single_option .frm-drag { font-size: 23px; width: 22px; height: 19px; margin-left: -6px; color: var(--grey); } .frm_single_option .frm-drag:before { vertical-align: middle; } .frm-drag, .frm_single_option.ui-sortable-helper { cursor: move; } .frm_single_option .frm_option_key { margin-left: 19px !important; } .frm_option_key input[type=text] { margin-top: 15px !important; } li.ui-state-default.selected .frm-show-click, li.ui-state-default.selected.edit_field_type_divider .frm-show-click { display: inline; vertical-align: top; } .frm_field_box:not(.edit_field_type_divider):hover > .frm_inner_field_container > .frm-show-hover, .frm_field_box .divider_section_only:hover > .frm_inner_field_container > .frm-show-hover, li.ui-state-default.selected > .frm_inner_field_container > .frm-show-hover, li.ui-state-default.selected.edit_field_type_divider .divider_section_only .frm-show-hover { opacity: 100; } li.frm_field_box > ul.frm_grid_container { position: relative; } .frm_sorting span.ui-icon { width: 16px; } /* Image options for Radio and Checkbox */ .frm_image_options .frm_image_option_container { --field-border-width: 1px; --border-color: var(--grey-300); --border-color-active: var(--primary-500); --border-radius: var(--small-radius); } .frm_image_option_container svg { height: 50px; margin: 10px auto 0; } #form_show_entry_page .frm_file_link, #form_show_entry_page .frm_image_option_container { display: inline-flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: column; text-align: center; align-items: center; width: 150px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } #form_show_entry_page .frm_image_option_container img { width: 150px; height: 150px; object-fit: cover; } #form_show_entry_page .frm_file_link img { max-width: 150px; height: auto; } #form_show_entry_page .frm_file_link ~ br { display: none; } #form_show_entry_page .frm_upload_label { padding: 10px; } .frm_image_option_container .frm_image_placeholder_icon svg{ height: 150px; } .frm_list_entry_page .frm_file_link, .frm_list_entry_page .frm_image_option_container.frm_label_with_image { display: block; text-align: center; } .frm_list_entry_page .frm_image_option_container img { width: 75px; height: 75px; object-fit: cover; } .frm_list_entry_page img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .frm_image_option_container .frm_empty_url { background-color: var(--sidebar-color); } .frm_list_entry_page .frm_image_option_container .frm_text_label_for_image { display: block; padding: 5px 0 10px; } .frm_list_entry_page .frm_upload_label, .frm-summary-page-wrapper .frm_text_label_for_image { display: block; } #frm-welcome .frm_image_options .frm_image_option_container, #form_global_settings .frm_image_options .frm_image_option_container{ background: var(--sidebar-color); } #frm-welcome .frm_image_option_container svg, #form_global_settings .frm_image_option_container svg { max-width: calc( 100% - 20px ); } /* Show an icon on top */ .frm_image_option_container { position: relative; } .frm_text_label_for_image > svg { width: 30px; position: absolute; top: 5px; right: calc( 50% - 15px ); } /* End show an icon on top */ .frm_single_option .frm_option_key { margin-top: 17px; } .frm_image_data { margin-left: var(--gap-xs); display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-size: var(--text-sm); justify-content: space-around; } .frm_image_styling_frame { display: flex; align-items: stretch; margin-left: 1.5rem; } .frm_image_styling_frame img{ height: 54px; width: 54px; min-width: auto; min-height: auto; border-radius: 3px; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; } .frm_image_styling_frame .frm_email_attachment_icon img { height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 54px; } .frm_image_preview_title{ color: var(--grey-500); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .frm_wrap .frm_choose_image_box { cursor: pointer; color: var(--grey-700); background-color: #F2F2F2; margin-left: 24px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .frm_wrap .frm_choose_image_box:hover { background: #fff; } a.frm_remove_image_option, .frm_remove_image_option { color: var(--grey-400); cursor: pointer; } a.frm_remove_image_option:hover .frmsvg, a.frm_remove_image_option:hover, .frm_remove_image_option:hover { color: rgba(40, 47, 54, 0.8); } /* Form settings */ .frm-form-setting-tabs { margin-top: var(--gap-sm) !important; } .frm-right-panel > .postbox { background-color: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none; margin: 0; } .frm-right-panel .postbox.frm_with_icons .inside, .frm-right-panel .postbox .inside, .frm-right-panel .inside { font-size: var(--text-md); padding: 15px 20px 20px; color: var(--grey-700); } .frm-right-panel .misc-pub-section { padding: var(--gap-xs) 0; position: relative; } .frm-right-panel .inside a, .frm-form-setting-tabs a { font-size: var(--text-md); color: var(--grey-700); padding: var(--gap-sm); display: block; } .frm-form-setting-tabs a { color: var(--grey-900); padding: var(--gap-sm) var(--gap-md); } .frm-right-panel .inside a { padding: 0; color: var(--primary-500); display: inline-block; } .frm-right-panel .inside a:hover { color: var(--primary-700); } .frm-form-setting-tabs a:hover { background: var(--sidebar-hover); color: var(--grey-900); } .frm-right-panel .inside i, .frm-right-panel .inside .frmsvg, .frm-form-setting-tabs a i, .frm-form-setting-tabs a .frmsvg { margin: 0 5px; display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; color: var(--grey-500); } .frm-form-setting-tabs a .frmsvg { margin: 0; } .frm-right-panel .inside a:hover i, .frm-right-panel .inside a:hover .frmsvg, .frm-form-setting-tabs a:hover .frmsvg, .frm-form-setting-tabs a:hover span { color: var(--grey-700); } .frm_settings_form .tabs-panel { padding: 0 25px; } #form_settings_page .tabs-panel, .frm_settings_form .tabs-panel { max-height: initial !important; min-height: 50px !important; } #frm_adv_info .tabs-panel { min-height: 0 !important; overflow-x: hidden; padding: 0; border: none; background: transparent; } select.frm_cancelnew, input.frm_enternew { width: 175px; } .frm_posttax_opt_list, .frm_submit_logic_rows { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding: var(--gap-md); border-radius: var(--small-radius); margin: 5px 0 5px var(--gap-md); } .frm_submit_logic_rows .frm_grid_container > p.frm_form_field { margin: 0; } /* Color picker CSS */ .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-open + .wp-picker-input-wrap { position: absolute; margin-left: calc( ( 100% - 35px ) * -1 ); margin-top: 1px; width: calc( 100% - 36px ); } .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-container input[type="text"].wp-color-picker { border: none; padding: 5px 8px; font-family: inherit; color: var(--grey-700); font-size: var(--text-md); width: 100%; line-height: var(--leading); } .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-input-wrap .wp-picker-clear { display: none !important; } .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-holder { position: absolute; z-index: 999; } .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-input-wrap label { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm-right-panel .wp-picker-container .wp-color-result.button { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 !important; height: var(--h-md) !important; padding: 0 0 0 var(--gap-lg) !important; border-radius: var(--small-radius); border-color: var(--grey-300); } .frm-right-panel .wp-color-result-text { line-height: var(--leading) !important; font-size: var(--text-md); background: #fff !important; color: var(--grey-900); padding: 5px 8px; border-color: var(--grey-300); text-align: left; } .frm-right-panel .color-alpha { width: var(--gap-lg) !important; } .frm_grid_container .wp-picker-container { width: 100%; position: relative; } .wp-picker-container button.wp-color-result { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300) !important; } .wp-picker-container .wp-picker-input-wrap input.hex.wp-color-picker { max-width: 100%; position: relative; } .frm_end .wp-picker-holder { margin-left: -145px; } .frm_end.frm6 .wp-picker-holder { margin-left: -86px; } /* End of color picker CSS */ /* These are the styles for the "Enable Formidable styling" toggle in the visual styler. To use this element, you can call the FrmHtmlHelper::toggle function. */ .frm_toggle_opt { padding: 0; white-space: normal; display: inline; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: normal; } .frm_on_label, .frm_off_label { color: #444444; } .frm_toggle { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 40px; height: var(--h-xs); vertical-align: middle; } .frm_toggle_block { display: inline-flex; gap: var(--gap-sm); align-items: center; } .frm_toggle input, /* Reverse compatibility */ .frm_toggle_block input { display:none !important; } .frm_toggle_slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: var(--grey-border); transition: .4s; border-radius: 30px; } .frm_toggle_slider:before { border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,"); height: 22px; width: 22px; padding: 0 5.5px; left: 1px; bottom: 1px; background-color: white; transition: .4s; box-sizing: border-box; box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-md); font-size: 21px; line-height: 18px; } input:checked + .frm_toggle .frm_toggle_slider { background-color: var(--primary-500); } input:focus + .frm_toggle .frm_toggle_slider { box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-md); } input:checked + .frm_toggle .frm_toggle_slider:before { padding: 0 6px; transform: translateX(16px); content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,"); } input[disabled] + .frm_toggle_slider { pointer-events: none; cursor: text; opacity: .5; } .frm_toggle_opt ~ .frm_toggle .frm_toggle_slider:before { content: '' !important; /* Don't show x/check if off label included or on builder page */ } .rtl .frm_toggle_opt { padding: 0 8px; } .rtl .frm_toggle_slider:before { left: 17px; } .rtl input:checked + .frm_toggle .frm_toggle_slider:before { transform: none!important; left: 1px; } /* Deprecated admin toggle */ .frm_toggle_off, .frm_toggle_on { display: none; color: #fff; z-index: 999; position: absolute; font-size: 10px; line-height: 20px; left: 6px; } .frm_toggle_off { display: inline; left: auto; right: 5px; color: var(--dark-grey); } .frm_toggle_long { width: 80% !important; height: 28px; display: inline-block !important; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_slider { background: var(--primary-700); box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--primary-700); } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_off, .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_on { width: 50%; text-align: center; font-size: 13px; line-height: 28px; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_on { left: 0; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_off { right: 0; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_slider:before { width: 50%; left: 0; top: 0; border-radius: var(--border-radius) 0 0 var(--border-radius); height: 100%; background-color: #fff; color: var(--primary-color); content: '' !important; } .frm_toggle_long input:checked + .frm_toggle_slider:before { transform: translateX(101%); border-radius: 0 var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0; } input:checked + .frm_toggle_slider + .frm_toggle_on { display: inline; } input:checked + .frm_toggle_slider + .frm_toggle_on + .frm_toggle_off { display: none; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_on, .frm_toggle_long input:checked + .frm_toggle_slider + .frm_toggle_on + .frm_toggle_off { display: inline; color: var(--primary-500); font-weight: normal; } .frm_toggle_long .frm_toggle_off, .frm_toggle_long input:checked + .frm_toggle_slider + .frm_toggle_on { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; } /* End toggle styling */ /* Global Settings */ .tabs-panel { height: auto !important; min-height: 260px; } .tabs-panel.panel_secondary { min-height: 20px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 150px; } label.frm-example-icon { margin-right: 20px !important; display: inline-block !important; } #frm_stripe_icon { border-radius: 5px; } #captcha_settings .frm_primary_label { margin-top: var(--gap-sm); } .frm-long-icon-buttons { display: flex; gap: var(--gap-md); } .frm-long-icon-buttons > label { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); color: var(--grey-700); border-radius: var(--small-radius); display: flex; padding: var(--gap-sm); gap: var(--gap-sm); justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: calc( 33% - var(--gap-sm) ); box-sizing: border-box; } .frm-long-icon-buttons > label:hover { color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-long-icon-buttons input[type=radio] { display: none; } .frm-long-icon-buttons input[type=radio]:checked + label { border-color: var(--primary-500); box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--primary-color); } .frm-long-icon-buttons label > svg { height: 21px; } .frm-example-icon .frmsvg, .frm-example-icon i { height: 20px; width: 20px; font-size: 20px; color: var(--grey-700); } .frm_license_msg { margin-top: 0; } .frm_authorized_box .frm-show-unauthorized, .frm_unauthorized_box .frm-show-authorized { display: none; } .edd_frm_status_icon.frm_icon_font { color: #D54E21; margin: 0 5px; } .edd_frm_status_icon.frm_icon_font.frm_inactive_icon { color: green; } /* Hide the install steps for solutions */ #form_global_settings .tabs-panel .num svg { display: none; } /* Empty List */ .frm_no_items { margin: 0 auto 50px; text-align: center; color: var(--grey-700); max-width: 500px; } .frm-subscribe { margin: var(--gap-lg) 0; } /* Inbox */ #frm_inbox_page .frm_page_container { height: auto; } .frm_inbox_card { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 72px 1fr; grid-gap: var(--gap-xs); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding: var(--gap-md); } .frm_inbox_card_icon { grid-row: span 3 / span 3; padding-top: var(--gap-xs); text-align: center } .frm_inbox_card_icon svg { height: 48px; width: 48px; color: var(--blue-border); } .frm_inbox_card header { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 150px; align-items: center; } .frm_inbox_card h3 { border: none; text-transform: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .frm_inbox_date { text-align: right; } .frm_inbox_count, .frm_inbox_unread { background: var(--orange); color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; display: inline-block; margin-right: 8px; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; } .frm_inbox_unread { width: 8px; height: 8px; } .frm_inbox_count { min-width: 18px; height: 18px; margin-left: 2px; vertical-align: text-bottom; } /* Import/Export */ .csv_opts #frm_csv_col_sep { width: 45px; } #frm_advanced td.frm_left_label { width: 20%; padding-right: 2px; } #frm_where_options select { max-width: 200px; } #frm_where_options select.frm_insert_where_options { width: 30%; } #frm_where_options select.frm_where_is_options { width: 20%; } #frm_where_options span.frm_where_val { width: 32%; display: inline-block; position: relative; } #frm_where_options span.frm_where_val .frm_tooltip_icon { left: -4px; position: absolute; } #frm_where_options span.frm_where_val.frm_hidden { display: none; } #frm_where_options span.frm_where_val input, #frm_where_options span.frm_where_val select { width: 90%; margin-left: 10px; } #frm_where_options { min-height: 31px; } .tabs-panel.active .tabs-panel, .frm_settings_form .tabs-panel .tabs-panel { border: none; padding: 0; } .frm-feature-banner { background: var(--grey-700); color: #fff; border-radius: var(--small-radius); padding: 20px; margin: 10px 0; } .frm-feature-banner p { font-size: var(--text-sm); } .frm-feature-banner .dismiss { margin-top: -10px; margin-right: -10px; } .frm-feature-banner .dismiss svg { color: #fff; } .frm-feature-banner .frm-big-icon { padding-right: 20px; float: left; min-height: 60px; } .frm-big-icon svg { height: 60px; width: 60px; } .frm-feature-banner p { margin-top: 0; } /*for add-on reverse compatibility */ .frm_98_width { width: 100% !important; } /*Form Settings Tab*/ h2.frm-h2, .frm_form_settings h2 { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); color: var(--grey-900); font-weight: 400 !important; padding: 9px 0 5px; margin: 0; } .frm_settings_form h3, .frm_form_settings h3, .frm_form_settings span.frm_add_logic_link { font-size: var(--text-md); border-top: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding-top: var(--gap-sm); margin: var(--gap-sm) 0; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--medium-grey); display: block; } .frm_form_settings .howto { color: var(--grey-500); font-size: var(--text-sm); margin-top: 8px; } .frm_form_settings .advanced_settings .form-table { margin-top: 0; } .frm_form_settings td.frm_175_width { width: 175px; } .frm_form_settings #success_url { width: 95%; } .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete { padding: 3px 0; max-height: 310px; } .frm_wrap .ui-widget { font-family: inherit; } .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete li { padding: 2px 4px; background: none; color: var(--grey-700); border: none; font-weight: normal; } .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item-wrapper.ui-state-active { border: none; font-weight: inherit; } .frm_select_with_label { margin: 7px 0 0; } /* Customization Panel */ #frm-insert-fields-box, #frm-conditionals { max-height: none; } #frm-conditionals, #frm-adv-info-tab { display: none; max-height: 355px; } #frm-insert-fields-box ul.subsubsub, #frm-conditionals ul.subsubsub { float: right; margin: 0; } #frm-insert-fields-box ul.alignleft, #frm-conditionals ul.alignleft { margin: 5px 0 0; } #frm_adv_info ul.frm_code_list.frm-full-hover { clear: both; max-height: 215px; overflow: auto; } #frm-insert-fields-box ul.frm_code_list li.clear.frm_block { height: 10px; } #frm_adv_info .frm_noallow { display: none; } #frm_adv_info #frm-conditionals .frm_noallow { display: block; } /* Customize HTML Tab */ #frm_html_tab.frm_hidden { display: none; } #frm_html_tab.active { display: inline; } /*Form Actions Tab*/ .frm_email_reply_container select, .frm_email_reply_container input, .form-table td.frm_150_width { width: 170px; } #frm_notification_settings .frm_no_top_padding { padding-top: 0; } .frm_email_settings.frm_email_settings.widgets-holder-wrap { overflow: auto; box-shadow: none; } #frm_notification_settings .widget-top .widget-action, #frm_form_editor_container .widget-top .widget-action { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 8px; background: 0 0; cursor: pointer; outline: 0; } #frm_email_addon_menu { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); padding: var(--gap-sm); border-radius: 4px; margin: var(--gap-md) 0 var(--gap-sm); } #frm_email_addon_menu .frm-search { float: right; margin: 0; } #frm_email_addon_menu h3.frm-no-border { clear: none; padding-top: 7px; } .frm_email_settings .widget .widget-top { background-color: var(--sidebar-color); } .frm_email_settings .widget .widget-top, .frm_email_settings .widget .widget-top h3 { cursor: pointer !important; } .frm_email_settings .widget { margin-bottom: var(--gap-sm); } .frm_form_action_settings .widget-top { box-shadow: none; border-color: var(--grey-300); border-radius: var(--small-radius); background: var(--lightest-grey); color: var(--grey-700); } .frm_form_action_settings:hover .widget-top { border-color: var(--grey); } .frm_form_action_settings.open .widget-top { border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; border-bottom: none; } .frm_form_action_settings.open:hover .widget-top { border-color: var(--grey-300); } .frm_form_action_settings > .widget-inside { display: none; } .frm_form_action_settings.open > .widget-inside { display: block; } .frm_form_action_settings .widget-inside { min-height: 25px; padding: 15px; border-color: var(--grey-300); border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } .frm_form_action_settings .widget-title h4, .frm_form_action_settings .widget-title h3 { display: inline-block; border-bottom: none; padding: 10px 10px 5px; font-size: var(--text-md); font-weight: 500; } #frm_email_addon_menu h3 { margin: 0 0 var(--gap-sm); clear: both; } .frm_single_api_settings p > label { display: inline; } .frm_form_action_icon { margin-right: 5px; } .frm_actions_list { margin: 0; display: inline; } .frm_actions_list li { float: left; width: 15.6%; margin: 10px .5% 15px; height: 100px; text-align: center; } .frm-limited-actions .frm-group-heading, .frm-limited-actions #frm-hide-groups, .frm-all-actions #frm-show-groups, .frm-limited-actions .frm-not-installed:not(.frm-search-result):not(.frm-default-show) { display: none; } label.frm_action_events { padding-left: 15px; } #frm-hide-groups, #frm-show-groups { font-size: var(--text-md); float: right; } .frm_actions_list a:active, .frm_actions_list a:focus { outline: none; } .frm_actions_list a { font-size: var(--text-sm); color: var(--grey-700); word-break: break-word; } .frm_actions_list span.frm-outer-circle { /* 50px total with 30px content */ background-color: var(--grey-100); padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-radius: 50%; display: block; width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0 auto 15px; line-height: 1; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title h4 { color: var(--grey-700); } .frm_disabled_action .widget-title h4 { color: var(--grey); } .frm_actions_list a .frmsvg, .frm_actions_list a i { height: 18px; width: 18px; font-size: 18px; padding: 2px; color: var(--lightest-grey); } span.frm-inner-circle, .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon { background-color: var(--grey-400); border-radius: 50%; display: inline-block; text-align: center; line-height: 1; } span.frm-inner-circle { background-color: var(--primary-700); height: 22px; width: 22px; padding: 4px; color: #fff; } .frm-inner-circle svg { fill: currentColor; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon { height: 15px; width: 15px; padding: 5px; color: #fff; vertical-align: middle; } .frm_actions_list .frmsvg, .frm_actions_list i:before, .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon i, .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon .frmsvg { height: 15px; width: 15px; vertical-align: text-top; } .frm_actions_list i:before { vertical-align: middle; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title:hover .frm_form_action_icon { background-color: var(--grey); } span.frm-inner-circle.frm-inverse { background-color: transparent; color: var(--primary-700); padding: 0; height: 30px; width: 100%; } .frm_actions_list span.frm-inverse i, .frm_actions_list span.frm-inverse .frmsvg { color: var(--primary-700); height: 30px; width: 30px; font-size: 30px; padding: 0; } .frm_actions_list i.frm-inverse:before { height: 30px; width: 100%; font-size: 30px; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon.frm-inverse { background: #fff; padding: 0; height: 24px; width: 24px; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon.frm-inverse .frmsvg, .frm_email_settings .widget-title .frm_form_action_icon.frm-inverse i:before { color: var(--grey-400); height: 24px; width: 24px; font-size: 24px; } .frm_email_settings .widget-title:hover .frm_form_action_icon.frm-inverse .frmsvg, .frm_email_settings .widget-title:hover .frm_form_action_icon.frm-inverse i:before { color: var(--grey-500); } .frm_email_icons { padding: 10px 0 5px 6px; font-size: 20px; } .frm_email_icons a { margin-left: 8px; color: var(--grey); opacity: 0; transition: all .2s ease; } .frm_email_icons a .frmsvg { color: var(--grey); } .frm_email_icons a:hover, .widget-top:hover .frm_email_icons a { opacity: 1; } .frm_actions_list a.frm_inactive_action { color: var(--grey); } .frm_inactive_action .frm-inner-circle, .frm_actions_list .frm_inactive_action i { opacity: .4; } table td, .form-table tr td { vertical-align: top; } #new_fields .form-table tr td { display: block; padding: 7px 0 0; } #new_fields .form-table tr td:first-child { margin: 0; } #new_fields .form-table tr td:last-child { margin-bottom: 9px; } .form-table #list-table th { text-align: center; } #form_settings_page th, #form_settings_page td, .frm_settings_form td, #frm_notification_settings .frm_form_action_settings td p { padding: 7px 0; } #permissions_settings_settings .frm_grid_container { align-items: center; } #frm_notification_settings .form-table > tbody > tr > th { width: 150px; font-weight: normal; padding-right: 10px; } #frm_notification_settings .frm_single_email_settings .form-table > tbody > tr > th { width: 80px; } #frm_notification_settings table tr td:first-child { padding-left: 0; } #frm_notification_settings table tr td:last-child { padding-right: 0; } #frm_notification_settings .frm_left_label { /* For add-ons that haven't been updated for 4.0 */ float: none; width: auto !important; } .frm-fields .frm_autoresponder_rows select { width: auto; } #frm_notification_settings .frm_with_left_label, #frm_notification_settings .frm_left_label + textarea, #frm_notification_settings .frm_left_label + select, #frm_notification_settings .frm_left_label + input[type=text] { width: 100%; } #frm_notification_settings .frm_email_buttons { padding: var(--gap-2xs); background: var(--light-blue); color: var(--primary-700); border-radius: var(--small-radius); border-color: var(--blue-border); line-height: 1; height: auto; min-height: 12px; font-size: var(--text-xs); box-shadow: none; } .frm_reply_to_container, .frm_bcc_cc_container { float: right; margin: -4px 0 0; z-index: 1; position: relative; } .frm_email_row .frm_cancel1_icon:before { vertical-align: bottom; } .frm_logic_field_opts { max-width: 35%; } .frm-inline-select, p.frm-inline-select, #frm_submit_logic_row, .frm_logic_rows .frm-collapse-me { line-height: var(--h-md) !important; } .frm_logic_row { padding: var(--gap-xs) 0 0; align-items: center; } .frm-single-settings .frm_logic_row > select { max-width: 32.5% !important; } .frm-single-settings .frm_logic_row select:nth-child(2) { max-width: 20% !important; } .frm-single-settings .frm_logic_row span input, .frm-single-settings .frm_logic_row span select { max-width: 36% !important; } .frm-single-settings .frm_logic_row input { max-width: 118px !important; } .frm-single-settings ul.frm_sortable_field_opts { margin-bottom: 5px; } .advanced_settings .frm_logic_row { margin: 14px 0; } .advanced_settings .frm_logic_row select, .advanced_settings .frm_logic_row input { max-width: 30% !important; } .frm_form_action_settings .frm_logic_row p { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; } #poststuff .widgets-holder-wrap .frm_form_action_settings .widget-inside { padding-bottom: 0; } #poststuff .frm_form_settings .widgets-holder-wrap .widget-inside { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } #form_global_settings h3 { font-size: var(--text-sm); margin-top: 25px; } #form_global_settings .tabs-panel + h3 { margin-top: 0; border: none; } #poststuff .frm_form_settings .widget-inside h3, #poststuff .frm_form_settings .advanced_settings h3, #poststuff .frm_settings_form h3, #frm_advanced .inside h3 { border-top: 1px solid #eee; border-bottom: none; margin: 15px -15px 0; padding: 8px 15px; font-size: var(--text-sm); } #poststuff .frm_form_settings h3.frm_first_h3, #poststuff h3.frm_first_h3 { border: none; margin-top: 0; } h3.frm_add_logic_link { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } a.frm_add_logic_link.frm_hidden { display: none; } .frm_add_logic_link .frmsvg, .frm_add_logic_link i { margin-right: 5px; } .frm_right_addon { position: relative; } .frm_right_addon .frm_remove_field { position: absolute; padding: 5px 10px; right: 10px; bottom: 0; } .frm_right_addon input { padding-right: var(--gap-lg); } .frm_icon_font { color: #A0A0A0; color: var(--grey); } .frm-fields label .frm_icon_font { font-size: inherit; } .misc-pub-revisions.frm_icon_font, .misc-pub-revisions.frm_icon_font:hover { color: inherit; } .postbox.frm_with_icons .inside { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .frm_add_tag:before { content: '\e602'; } .frm_remove_tag:before { content: '\e600'; } .frm_logic_row .frm_remove_tag { padding-left: 7px; } .frm_logic_row .frm1 > .frm_remove_tag { padding: 0; } .frm_tooltip_icon:before { font-size: 13px; vertical-align: top; } .form-field input[type=text].frm_other_input { width: 30%; margin-left: 10px; } .frm-add-other { text-align: right; } .frm_add_opt .frm_add_tag, .frm-add-other .frm_add_tag { vertical-align: 20%; } .frm_action_icon { margin: 5px 0 0 5px; } span.frm_action_icon { margin: 0 4px 0 0; } .frm_action_icon:active { outline: none; } a.frm_action_icon:hover { text-decoration: none; } .frm_action_icon.frm_error_icon:before { content: '\e608'; } .frm_inactive_icon.frm_action_icon.frm_error_icon:before { content: '\e606'; } .frm-field-action-icons { text-align: right; position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 2px; max-width: 100%; } .frm-field-action-icons .frm-field-id { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; width: 80px; max-width: calc( 100% - 50px ); position: relative; top: 2px; } .frm-field-action-icons > a { font-size: var(--text-md); width: 17px; } .frm-field-action-icons a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .frm-field-action-icons .dropdown { display: inline-block; } .frm-field-action-icons > a .frmsvg { color: var(--grey-500) !important; font-size: 17px; width: 17px; height: 17px; } .frm-field-action-icons > a .frmsvg, .frm-field-action-icons > div > a .frmsvg { vertical-align: baseline; } .edit_field_type_end_divider .frm-field-action-icons { display: none !important; } .frm-move { cursor: grab; } span.howto { display: inline; } .frm_import_message { margin: 15px 0; line-height: 2.5em; } .frm_sorting .form-field .widget input[type="text"], .frm_sorting .form-field .widget input[type="number"], .frm_sorting .form-field .widget select, #wpcontent .frm_sorting .form-field .widget select, .frm_sorting .form-field .widget textarea { width: auto; } .tagchecklist span.no_taglist { display: inline; float: none; line-height: 15px; margin-right: 0; font-size: inherit; } .tagchecklist .frm_exclude_cat_list span { display: inline; } .tagchecklist span a:before { line-height: 23px; text-align: start; } /* Entries Page */ .frm_no_entries_form { padding: 60px 0; } .frm_no_entries_form .frm_no_entries_header { font-size: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .frm_no_entries_form .frm_no_entries_text { line-height: var(--leading); } #form_entries_page #the-list .no-items { height: 240px; /* Equals to the max height of search dropdown */ } /* Reports Page */ #form_reports_page img.frm_no_reports { max-width: 100%; } .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table .gradient, .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-head, .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-odd, .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-odd.google-visualization-table-tr-over { background: var(--lightest-grey); } .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-over { background: #fff; } .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-table th, .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-table td { border-right-width: 0; padding: 10px !important; } .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-head, .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-tr-head th { white-space: pre-wrap; font-size: var(--text-md); font-weight: 400 !important; text-align: left; } .frm_wrap .google-visualization-table-td-number { text-align: inherit; } #form_reports_page .postbox{ text-align: center; float: none; display: inline-block; margin-right: 2%; width: 20%; min-width: 175px; } /* Views Page */ #form_views_page img.frm_no_views { max-width: 100%; } /* Field options popup */ .frm_field_opts_popup { min-width: 300px; background-color: #fff; } .frm_field_opts_popup #wpadminbar { display: none; } .frm_prepop { width: 100%; list-style: none; overflow: auto; margin: 0; max-height: 295px; } .frm_prepop li { margin: 0; } .frm_prepop li a { display: block; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 20px; } .frm_prepop li a:hover { background: var(--sidebar-color); } /* */ #frm_form_editor_container #frm_form_key_box { width: 13em; max-width: 30% } #frm_form_editor_container #frm_form_desc { width: 70%; } #frm_form_editor_container .ui-widget-content { display: none; padding: 15px; } #frm_form_editor_container .ui-widget-content label { float: left; width: 170px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; clear: both; } #frm_form_editor_container .ui-widget-content label.nofloat { clear: none; float: none; margin-left: 10px; } #frm_form_editor_container .ui-state-default { color: #333 !important; } .frm_green { color: var(--green) !important; } #frm_form_editor_container .ui-state-default a.frm_orange, .frm-right-panel a.frm_orange, #postbox-container-1 a.frm_orange { color: #D54E21; } #styling_settings input[type=checkbox], #styling_settings input[type=radio] { border: solid 1px #bbb; } #styling_settings .widget .widget-top, #frm_form_editor_container .widget .widget-top { cursor: pointer; } .frm_sorting .widget, .frm_settings_page .widget { background: #fff; } .frm_sorting .widget-title h4 { font-weight: normal; } .frm_sorting .widget, #postbox-container-1 .widget, .frm-right-panel .widget, .frm_settings_page .widget { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm_settings_page .widget-inside { padding: 0 5px 5px; } .frm_sorting .widget, .widget-inside, .frm_sorting .form-field .widget { display: none; } #frm-show-fields { min-height: 350px; padding: 0 0 35px; margin: 0; position: relative; } .frm-has-fields #frm-show-fields { min-height: 50px; } #frm_builder_page #frm_field_group_controls { position: absolute; padding: 5px; border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; text-align: right; box-sizing: border-box; right: 0; top: -28px; height: 28px; z-index: 3; /* section dividers use z-index: 2; position above that to avoid it taking over hover control. */ } .frm-field-group-hover-target, .frm-has-open-field-group-popup, #frm_builder_page #frm_field_group_controls, .frm-selected-field-group { background: rgba(65, 153, 253, 0.04); } .frm-selected-field-group { position: relative; } #frm_builder_page #frm_field_group_controls > span:first-child { margin-right: 5px; } #frm_builder_page #frm_field_group_controls svg { pointer-events: none; } #frm_field_group_controls { visibility: hidden; } .frm-field-group-hover-target #frm_field_group_controls { visibility: visible; } #frm_field_group_controls .dropdown-item a span { color: var(--grey-700); } #frm_field_group_controls .dropdown-item a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .frm_sorting .no_repeat_section li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_end_divider { display: none !important; } .frm-right-panel .ui-state-default, #postbox-container-1 .ui-state-default, .frm_sorting > li.ui-state-default, .frm_sorting .no_repeat_section li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_end_divider:hover { border: 1px solid transparent; font-weight: normal !important; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; padding: 5px; margin: 0; box-shadow: none; display: block; text-align: inherit !important; overflow: visible; position: relative; } #frm-show-fields li.frm_cancel_sort { /* If a section gets dropped into a section, hide it */ display: none; } .divider_drop { text-align: center; } .divider_drop .howto .frm_icon_font { font-style: normal; } .show_repeat_sec { display: none; } .repeat_section .show_repeat_sec { display: inline-block; margin: 5px 0 0; } .repeat_section tr.show_repeat_sec { display: table-row; } .repeat_format .frm_repeat_label, .repeat_formattext .frmsvg, .repeat_formattext i { display: none; } .frm_button { text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #eee; padding: 5px; color: #444; vertical-align: middle; box-shadow: none !important; } a.frm_button:hover { text-decoration: none !important; } .frm_button, .frm_button .frm_icon_font:before { font-size: 13px; vertical-align: middle; } .frm_button .frmsvg { width: 13px; height: 13px; } .frm-right-panel .ui-state-default, #postbox-container-1 .ui-state-default { padding: 0; margin: 0; } ul.start_divider { padding: 8px 13px 0 8px; min-height: 115px; transition: all 0.4s linear; } .frm-section-collapsed .frm_no_section_fields, .frm-section-collapsed ul.start_divider { height: 0; min-height: 0 !important; } .frm-section-collapsed ul.start_divider { overflow: hidden; } .frm-section-collapsed .frm_no_section_fields { overflow: hidden; padding: 0; opacity: 0; } .frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only .frm-collapsed-label { display: inline; } .frm-page-collapsed .frm_clone_icon, .frm-page-collapsed .frm_delete_field, .frm-page-collapsed .frm_clone_field, .frm-section-collapsed .frm_clone_icon { opacity: .5; cursor: not-allowed; } /* Hide the Duplicate summary option because we are missing the logic that also adds a new page */ .edit_field_type_summary .frm_more_options_li:nth-child(2) { display: none !important; } .frm_no_section_fields:not(.frm_block) + ul.start_divider { padding: 0; min-height: 132px; } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default .divider_section_only { padding: 6px; margin-top: -10px; border: 2px solid transparent; border-radius: var(--small-radius); z-index: 2; position: relative; } .divider_section_only > .frm_inner_field_container { padding: 5px 0; margin: 0; } .frm-collapsed-label, .divider_section_only > .frm_inner_field_container .frm_form_fields { display: none; } .frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only:after, .divider_section_only:before { content: ''; display: block; padding: 2px 0; line-height: 1px; border-top: 2px solid var(--grey-300); top: -2px; position: absolute; width: 100%; transition: .5s border-color ease-in-out; } .frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only:after { top: auto; bottom: -6px; } .frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only:hover:after, li.selected.frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only:before, li.selected.frm-section-collapsed .divider_section_only:after, .divider_section_only:hover:before, li.selected .divider_section_only:before { border-color: transparent; } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_divider { overflow: visible; position: relative; padding: 0 0 0 20px; margin: 25px 0 0 -5px; border-left: 1px solid var(--primary-700); transition: border 0.7s ease-out; } .frm-section-collapsed { border-left-color: transparent !important; } .frm_sorting li.edit_field_type_end_divider, .frm_sorting .no_repeat_section li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_end_divider:hover { margin: 0 0 var(--gap-sm); } .frm-first-page .frm_prev_page { display: none; } #frm_builder_page .frm_remove_form_row.frm_button, #frm_builder_page .frm_add_form_row.frm_button { border-radius: var(--small-radius); border: 1px solid var(--blue-border); } #frm_builder_page .frm_remove_form_row .frmsvg, #frm_builder_page .frm_remove_form_row i:before, .frm_wrap .frm_add_form_row .frmsvg, .frm_add_form_row i:before { color: var(--primary-700); } .frm-preview-buttons .frm_button_submit { margin: 0 5px; } .frm-page-break { border-top: 1px dashed var(--primary-700); margin-top: var(--gap-lg); position: relative; } .edit_field_type_divider:before, .edit_field_type_divider:after, .frm-page-break:before, .frm-page-break:after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: -4px; width: 4px; height: 4px; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid var(--primary-700); text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } .frm-page-break:after { right: 0; } #frm-fake-page { padding: 0 5px; } #frm-fake-page .frm-page-break, #frm-fake-page .frm-page-break:before, #frm-fake-page .frm-page-break:after { border-color: var(--grey); } .edit_field_type_divider:before { width: 20px; height: 20px; left: -11px; top: 0; background: var(--primary-700); text-align: center; color: #fff; font-size: 13px; } .edit_field_type_divider:before{ font-family: 's11-fp'; content: '\f1dc'; } .repeat_section.edit_field_type_divider:before { font-family: 's11-fp'; content: '\f363'; } .edit_field_type_divider:after { left: -4px; bottom: 0; top: auto; transition: all 0.4s ease-out; } .frm_sorting li.edit_field_type_divider:hover, .frm_sorting li.edit_field_type_divider.selected { border-left-color: var(--primary-500); } .edit_field_type_divider.selected:before, .edit_field_type_divider:hover:before { border-color: var(--primary-500); background: var(--primary-500); } .edit_field_type_divider.selected:after, .edit_field_type_divider:hover:after { border-color: var(--primary-500); } .frm-section-collapsed:after { border-color: transparent !important; color: transparent; } .frm-page-break .frm-collapse-page.button { margin-left: 46%; margin-top: calc( -28px / 2 ); } #frm-fake-page.frm-page-collapsed { margin-bottom: 0; } .frm-page-collapsed { position: relative; overflow: visible !important; margin-bottom: var(--gap-lg); } .frm-page-collapsed:after { content: ''; display: block; border: 1px dashed var(--grey-300); border-left: none; border-right: none; height: 6px; position: absolute; width: calc( 100% - 10px ); bottom: -15px; } .frm-collapse-page .frmsvg, .frm-collapse-page .frm_arrowdown6_icon { width: var(--text-sm); height: var(--text-sm); font-size: var(--text-sm); text-align: center; margin-left: 2px; color: currentColor; } #frm-fake-page .frm_arrowdown6_icon { color: currentColor; } .frm-collapsed i:before, .frm-page-collapsed .frm_arrowdown6_icon:before { content: '\e913'; } .frm-collapse-section svg { fill: var(--primary-color); transition: transform 0.2s ease-out, fill 0.2s ease-out; } .frm-collapse-section:hover svg { fill: var(--primary-700); } .frm-section-collapsed .frm-collapse-section svg { transform: rotate(-90deg); } .open .widget-top .frm_arrow_right_icon:before { content: '\e62a'; } .frm-collapsed + .frm-collapse-me { overflow: hidden !important; } .frm-collapse-me { padding-bottom: 10px; } .frm-collapsed + div { height: 0; padding: 0; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--sidebar-hover); } .frm_sorting .divider_section_only > .frm_ipe_field_label { font-size: 116%; } #frm_form_editor_container .edit_field_type_break .frm_primary_label.frm_ipe_field_label.button { width: 150px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 3px; display: block; } tr.frm_options_heading td { padding-bottom: 0; } .frm_sorting .widget-inside .form-table td p, .frm_sorting .widget-inside .form-wrap label { padding: 10px 0; } .frm_no_fields, .frm_no_section_fields { text-align: center; position: absolute; color: var(--medium-grey); font-size: var(--text-md); box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px dashed var(--grey-300); } .ui-droppable-active ~ .frm_no_fields { border-style: solid; } .frm_no_section_fields { display: none; margin: 0; padding: 20px 0 0; width: calc( 100% - 20px ); height: 121px; transition: all 0.4s linear; } .frm_no_fields { min-height: 300px; margin: 20px 5%; width: 90%; top: 0; } .frm-has-fields .frm_no_fields { display: none; } #frm-form-button { display: none; margin: 0 7px 25px; } .frm-has-fields #frm-form-button { display: block; } .frm-large-plus.frmsvg { color: var(--primary-700); height: 45px; width: 45px; } .frm_drag_inst { line-height: normal; font-size: 35px; font-weight: 300; margin: 80px 0 25px; } .frm_no_section_fields p, .frm_no_fields p { color: var(--grey); font-size: 15px; } .frm_product_price_wrapper { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .frm_prod_type_single .frm_product_price_wrapper { width: 100%; } #new_fields .frm_product_price_wrapper input:first-child { width: 60%; float: left; } #new_fields .frm_product_price_wrapper input:nth-child(2) { width: 37%; float: right; } .frm_priority_field_choices, li.frm_single_option { padding-bottom: 16px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--sidebar-hover); } .frm_priority_field_choices, li.frm_single_option:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 16px; } .frm_prod_type_single input[type=radio], .frm_prod_type_single .frm_drag_icon, .frm_prod_type_single .frm_sortable_field_opts li:nth-child( n + 3 ), .frm_prod_type_single .frm_sortable_field_opts .frm_remove_tag, .frm_prod_type_single .frm_form_field:not(.frm_product_type):not(.frm_sep_val_product), .frm_prod_type_single .frm-bulk-edit-link, .frm_prod_type_user_def.frm_grid_container, .frm_prod_options_heading.frm_prod_user_def { display: none; } #frm-preview-block { height: 400px; overflow: scroll; margin: 0; } .plugin-card-bottom .frm-trash { color: #a00; } .frm-fields p > .frm_inline_label, .frm_inline_label { padding-left: 3px; margin-right: 12px; display: inline-block; } .frm_left_label { clear: both; float: left; width: 32% !important; margin-right: 2% !important; line-height: 2em; } table td.frm_left_label { float: none; line-height: inherit; padding: 5px 0 5px 2%; } .frm_left_label.frm_alignright { padding-right: 10px; text-align: right; } .frm-fields .frm_left_label + textarea, .frm-fields .frm_left_label + select, .frm-fields .frm_left_label + input[type=text], .frm_with_left_label { width: 66%; } td.frm_left_label + td { width: 66%; padding-top: 0; } #html_settings label { display: block; } #html_settings .frm_field_html_box { width: 100%; } ul.frm-category-tabs { margin-top: 2px; } .frm-category-tabs > li a, .frm-category-tabs > li a:active { outline: none; box-shadow: none; display: flex; gap: var(--gap-xs); align-items: center; } .frm-category-tabs > li.active .frmsvg, .frm-category-tabs > li.active i, .frm-category-tabs > li.active span, .frm-category-tabs > li.active a { color: var(--primary-500); } .frm_wrap .manage-menus { margin-top: 0; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--grey-300); background: var(--lightest-grey); } .general_settings .postbox .manage-menus { border-top: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; } .postbox .frm-help-tabs.inside, #poststuff .frm-help-tabs.inside { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-bottom: 12px; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .postbox .frm-help-tabs.inside { padding-bottom: inherit; } .frm-help-tabs form > .submit { margin-left: 154px; padding-left: 0.9em; } #poststuff h3.frm_no_bg { background: none; cursor: default; } .frm-postbox-no-h3 { padding-top: 10px; } .frm-right-panel .ui-state-default, #postbox-container-1 .ui-state-default { color: var(--grey-900); } .no_repeat_section .frm_sorting > li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_end_divider:hover { box-shadow: none; } .frm-selected-field-group li.ui-state-default, .start_divider.frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm_not_divider.selected, .start_divider.frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm_not_divider:hover, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm_not_divider:hover, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.ui-sortable-helper, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_divider .divider_section_only:hover, .frm_sorting .repeat_section li.ui-state-default.edit_field_type_end_divider:hover, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.selected.edit_field_type_divider .divider_section_only, .frm_update_msg, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm_not_divider.selected, .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.selected.edit_field_type_divider .divider_section_only { border-color: var(--primary-500); transition: .5s border-color ease-in-out; } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm_not_divider.selected { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 var(--primary-500); } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default { transition: .7s box-shadow ease-in-out, .7s height linear; } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.frm-newly-added { box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 1px var(--blue-border); } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.selected.edit_field_type_divider .divider_section_only .frm-show-hover { visibility: visible !important; display: inline !important; } .edit_field_type_end_divider > label { display: none !important; } .frm_email_actions.feature-filter { font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; background-color: #EEEEEE; padding: 3px 5px 2px; font-size: var(--text-md); line-height: 20px; } .frm_update_msg { border-style: solid; margin: 10px 0; color: #21759B; padding: 8px 15px; border-radius: 4px; } .frm_update_msg.wrap { margin: 10px 20px 0 2px; } #frm-insert-fields-box .frm_update_msg { margin-right: 0.9em; } .frm_update_msg a { font-weight: bold; } .widefat td { width: auto; } .widefat .column-id { width: 3.7em; } .widefat .column-show_count { width: 5em; } .widefat .column-shortcode { width: 9em; } .toplevel_page_formidable .column-shortcode div { display: flex; gap: var(--gap-xs); } .widefat .column-entries, .widefat .column-link { width: 10%; text-align: center; } .widefat .column-form_key, .widefat .column-created_at { width: 10%; } .frm-white-body .search-box, .frm_wrap .frm-search { float: right; margin: 0; clear: right; } .frm-white-body .search-box, .frm-search { min-width: 32%; position: relative; display: flex; gap: var(--gap-sm); align-items: center; } .frm-inline-modal .frm-search, #frm_adv_info .frm-search { float: none; width: 100%; clear: both; margin: var(--gap-xs) 0; } .frm-button-group a { margin: 0 7px !important; } .frm_has_textarea .frm-with-right-icon { display: block; } .frm-with-left-icon, .frm-with-right-icon { position: relative; } i.frm-show-box, i.frm-show-inline-modal, .frm-with-left-icon i, .frm-with-right-icon i:not([class*=mce-]), .frmsvg.frm-show-box, .frmsvg.frm-show-inline-modal, .frm-with-left-icon .frmsvg, .frm-with-right-icon .frmsvg, .frm-search > .frmsvg, .frm-search span:not(.multiselect-selected-text):not(.multiselect-native-select) { position: absolute; padding: 0 14px; pointer-events: none; left: 0; color: var(--grey-400); font-size: var(--text-xs); } .frm-with-right-icon .frmsvg, .frm-with-right-icon i:not([class*=mce-]) { right: 0; top: -3px; left: auto; padding: 0 10px 0 5px; } .frm_form_settings .frm-with-right-icon .frmsvg { top: 0; } .frm_form_settings .wp-editor-container .frm-with-right-icon .frmsvg { top: auto; bottom: 0; } .frm_form_settings .frm_has_textarea .frm-with-right-icon .frmsvg { top: auto; bottom: 6px; } .frmsvg.frm-show-box, .frmsvg.frm-show-inline-modal, i.frm-show-box, i.frm-show-inline-modal { color: var(--primary-500); pointer-events: initial; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; opacity: 1; top: auto; margin: calc( ( 36px - 18px ) / 2 ); /* input height - svg / 2 */ margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; } .frm-open .frmsvg.frm-show-inline-modal, .frm-open i.frm-show-inline-modal { opacity: .5; } .frm-lookup-box-label + .frm-inline-modal, .frm-open + .frm-inline-modal { top: -10px; margin-bottom: 0; } .frm_grid_container > .frm-open + .frm-inline-modal { top: -4px; } .frm-with-left-icon input { padding-left: 37px !important; } .frm_wrap .frm-with-right-icon textarea, .frm_wrap .frm-with-right-icon input, .frm_wrap .frm-with-right-icon input[type=text] { padding-right: var(--gap-md); } #frm-show-fields .frm-with-left-icon .frmsvg, #frm-show-fields .frm-with-left-icon i { padding-top: 10px; } .frm-search input[name="s"], .frm-search .dropdown-toggle, .frm-search input.frm-search-input { border-radius: var(--small-radius); padding-left: 33px !important; border-color: var(--grey-300); } .frm_wrap .frm-search .frm-search-input, .frm-modal .frm-search .frm-search-input, .frm-white-body .search-box input[name="s"], /* Views search */ .frm_wrap .frm-search input[name="s"] { padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; flex: 1; font-size: var(--text-sm); } .frm-search .dropdown-toggle { width: 100%; float: none; max-width: 200px; background: transparent; padding: 7px; min-height: 32px; text-align: inherit; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } span.multiselect-selected-text { white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; max-width: 90%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .frm-search #search-submit a { color: var(--grey-800); } .frm-search #search-submit .caret { opacity:.7; } .frm-not-set input { color: var(--primary-500) !important; font-size: 13px; } .frm-not-set .frmsvg, .frm-not-set i { color: var(--primary-700); opacity: 1; } .post-type-frm_display select[name="m"] + #post-query-submit, select[name="m"] { display: none; } .frm_shortcode_select optgroup option { margin-left: 1em; } .frm_shortcode_select optgroup { padding-top: 5px; } .frm_shortcode_select .frm_subopt { margin-left: 2em; } .misc-pub-section a.edit-frm_shortcode, .misc-pub-section a.edit-form-status { float: none; font-size: 13px; } .frm-grid { border-collapse: collapse; border: none; margin-right: 10px; } .frm-grid td, .frm-grid th { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; } .pro_feature { text-decoration: line-through; } /* View page */ .post-type-frm_display #poststuff #post-body.columns-2 { margin-right: var(--big-sidebar); 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margin: 0; } .cta-inside a { color: var(--orange) } .info-modal-inside a.frm-standard-link { color: var(--primary-500); } .info-modal-inside a.frm-standard-link:hover { color: var(--primary-700); } .frm_no_p_margin > p { margin: 0; } .frm_code_list a.button { display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 11px; overflow: hidden; } #frm-navbarDrop + .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover { margin: var(--gap-xs) 0 0; min-width: 300px; max-height: calc( ( 40px * 5 ) + 56px ); } .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover li { margin: 0; } .frm-select-list-item, .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete li > div, .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a:visited, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a:link, /* Override jQuery UI */ .frm-dropdown-menu .frm_dropdown_li, .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a { display: flex; color: var(--grey-700); padding: 5px 10px; font-size: var(--text-md); gap: var(--gap-xs); align-items: center; } .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a span { max-width: 83px; text-align: right; margin-left: auto; } .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a, .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a span { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover.frmcenter a { display: block; } #frm-layout-classes frm-full-hover a span { max-width: 45%; } .frm-select-list-item.active, .frm-select-list-item:hover, .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete li div.ui-state-active, .frm_wrap .ui-autocomplete li.ui-state-focus, .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option.active, .multiselect-container button.multiselect-option:hover, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a:hover, .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a:hover span, .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a:hover { background: var(--primary-25); color: var(--primary-500); border-radius: var(--small-radius); } .frm-select-list-item .frmsvg, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a .frmsvg { opacity: .8; } .frm-select-list-item:hover .frmsvg, .frm-dropdown-menu > .dropdown-item > a:hover .frmsvg { opacity: 1; } .frm-dropdown-menu.frm_code_list > li > a { padding: 3px 15px; width: 300px; } #frm_edit_box_content_modal .frm-with-search, /* Temp. Add .frm-dropdown-menu in Views */ .frm-dropdown-menu .frm-with-search { padding: var(--gap-xs) 10px 0; } .frm-dropdown-menu .subsubsub { padding: 0 10px; } .frm_grid_container { overflow: visible; } .frm_code_list.frm_grid_container { grid-gap: 5px; } .frm_code_list.frm_grid_container li { width: auto; margin: 0; } .frm_code_list.frm_grid_container a { padding: 5px 0; text-align: center; background-color: var(--light-blue); border: 1px solid var(--primary-500); color: var(--primary-500); display: block; border-radius: var(--small-radius); } .frm_code_list.frm_grid_container a:hover { background-color: var(--primary-700); color: #fff; } .frm_field_list #frm-insert-fields .button a { display: block; max-width: 95%; overflow: hidden; } .field_type_list.frm_grid_container { gap: var(--gap-xs) var(--gap-sm); margin: var(--gap-xs); } .field_type_list li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #frm-insert-fields .frm-search { float: none; margin: 15px 20px; width: auto; } #frm-insert-fields li, #frm-insert-fields li a { text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; font-size: var(--text-md) !important; color: var(--grey-900); } #frm-insert-fields li.frm_show_upgrade { cursor: pointer; opacity: .5; } #frm-insert-fields li a span { vertical-align: middle; } .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging a, #frm-insert-fields li a:not(.disabled):hover { background: var(--grey-100); } #frm-insert-fields li a.disabled:hover { cursor: not-allowed; } #frm-insert-fields li.ui-draggable-disabled { opacity: 0.5; } .frm_code_list { clear: both; } .frm_code_list.frm-full-hover a.frm_hidden, .frm_code_list .frmkeys { display: none; } .frmsvg { fill: currentColor; width: 18px; height: 18px; vertical-align: middle; } input[disabled], .frmsvg svg { pointer-events: none; } .frmsvg.frm_svg20 { width: 20px; height: 20px; } .frmsvg.frm_svg15 { width: 15px; height: 15px; } .frmsvg.frm_svg14 { width: 14px; height: 14px; } .frmsvg.frm_svg13 { width: 13px; height: 13px; } .frmbutton.ui-sortable-helper .frmsvg, .field_type_list li.frmbutton .frmsvg, .frmbutton.ui-sortable-helper i, .field_type_list li.frmbutton i, .frm_code_list a .frmsvg, .frm_code_list a i { color: var(--grey-500); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: var(--text-md); font-size: var(--text-md); } /* Standardize icon size for field buttons in the builder */ .field_type_list li.frmbutton .frmsvg { width: var(--text-xl); font-size: var(--text-xl); } .frm_code_list i:before { font-size: inherit; } #frm-insert-fields li a:not(.disabled):hover .frmsvg, #frm-insert-fields li a:not(.disabled):hover i { color: var(--grey-600); } /* Icon while dragging */ .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging { pointer-events: none; } #frm-insert-fields li.frm_show_upgrade, #frm-insert-fields li a, .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging a { text-decoration: none; display: inline-flex !important; gap: var(--gap-xs); align-items: center; border-radius: var(--border-radius) !important; padding: var(--gap-xs) var(--gap-sm) !important; color: var(--grey-900) !important; } /* Adjust field button size to full width in builder */ #frm-insert-fields li a { display: flex !important; } .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging a { border: 1px solid var(--grey-300); box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-md); } .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging span { font-size: 15px; } #frm-show-fields .frmbutton.ui-sortable-helper i, .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging i, .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging .frmsvg { color: #fff !important; } .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging i, .frmbutton.ui-draggable-dragging .frmsvg { color: var(--grey-700) !important; } .frm_sorting li.ui-state-default.ui-sortable-helper, .frmbutton.ui-sortable-helper { transition: opacity .2s; opacity: 1; } .frm-field-group-count { background-color: var(--sidebar-hover); padding: 5px; color: #fff !important; border-radius: 10px; } /* End dragging */ .field_type_list .frm_icon_font:before { font-size: 20px; } li.frm_noallow.button, .frm_noallow { opacity: .5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); } .frm_actions_list a.frm_show_upgrade.frm_inactive_action:before, li.frm_noallow.button.frm_show_upgrade { cursor: pointer; } .field_type_list li.frm_noallow.button.frm_show_upgrade:hover { border-color: inherit; } .frm_noallow a { color: inherit; } #frm_upgrade_modal_image { max-width: 200px; } .frm-tab-message { max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto; color: rgba(63, 75, 91, 0.8); } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar { min-height: 39px; display: flex; } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar .frm-minmax-icon { height: 8px; width: 8px; border-radius: 50%; align-self: center; margin-left: 10px; } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar .frm-minmax-icon:first-of-type { margin-left: 20px; } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar img { object-fit: contain; align-self: flex-end; margin-left: 25px; } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar + div { background: #fff; padding-top: 25px; border-radius: 0 0 16px 16px; } .frm-settings-screenshot-toolbar + div img { max-width: calc( 100% - 40px ); } .frm-settings-screenshot-wrapper { max-width: 700px; margin: 50px auto 0; box-shadow: 0px 4px 4px rgba(189, 196, 205, 0.25), 0px 12px 56px rgba(42, 57, 75, 0.25); border-radius: 16px; background: #EBECF1; } .frm-dialog { z-index: 100; padding: 0 !important; border-radius: 16px; 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} a.frm-link-secondary { color: #c4c4c4; font-size: var(--text-sm); text-decoration: underline; } .field_type_list li.button.frm_noallow, .field_type_list li.button.frm_noallow:hover, .button.frm_noallow, .button.frm_noallow:hover { color: inherit; border-color: #ccc; background: inherit; } iframe#dyncontent_ifr { min-height: 150px; } /*! * Bootstrap v4.6.1 */ .tooltip { /* Copied from Bootstrap */ position: absolute; display: block; margin: 0; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.5; text-align: left; text-align: start; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: normal; word-break: normal; word-spacing: normal; white-space: normal; line-break: auto; font-size: 0.875rem; word-wrap: break-word; opacity: 0; /* Custom rules */ z-index: 9999999; pointer-events: none; } .tooltip.show { opacity: 0.9; } .tooltip .arrow { position: absolute; display: block; width: 0.8rem; height: 0.4rem; margin-left: 0 !important; } .tooltip .arrow::before { position: absolute; 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} #postcustomstuff table td > div { /* To override some inline css in add-on */ padding-top: 0 !important; } .wp-admin .frm_wrap .form-table select { vertical-align: top; } .frm_wrap .frm_form_builder select { line-height: var(--leading); height: var(--text-md); width: 100%; } #postbox-container-2 select, .wp-admin .frm_wrap select, .frm_wrap .frm_form_builder select { height: auto; background-position: right 11px top 55%; } .frm-white-body .tablenav select, .frm-white-body .tablenav input[type="text"], .wp-admin .frm_wrap .tablenav select, .frm_wrap .tablenav input[type="date"], .frm_wrap .tablenav input[type="text"] { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; line-height: 1; } .frm_wrap .tablenav ::-webkit-datetime-edit { line-height: 1; } .frm-fields button.btn, .frm-fields textarea, .frm-fields input[type="text"], .frm-fields select, .field-group textarea, .field-group input[type="text"], .field-group select, .accordion-container input.hex { width: 100%; outline: 0; } .frm-fields button.btn { height: var(--h-md); 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  • The heart of the finest Australian on-line casinos real funds gaming is their particular diverse selection of premium quality games.
  • Players can activate these kinds of tools via the casino’s account adjustments, gaining control over their gambling activity.
  • This section protects all the goodies like welcome additional bonuses, free spins, and even VIP programs.

Australia tried in order to ban casino gambling until 1973, whenever the government recognized they’d manage to create money out involving them. The foreseeable future of 20th Century gambling was after defined” “whenever online casinos on the internet came to Australia, and new regulations were needed. For Aussies who are planning to head to the online on line casino realm, it is usually important to remain safe and wager responsibly.

Information On Australian Difficulty Gambling

When an individual play games regarding real money you will need all the support, tips, and good fortune that you could get. Fortunately, we all have a few in-house gamblers that gave collected a new few valuable techniques of the buy and sell over the many years and are also happy to be able to share associated with a person. Loyalty or VIP Program allow you to appreciate a plethora of bonuses based in how much a person spend at typically the casino.

  • With some bonuses a person will also find free spins in order to enjoy on chosen slots.
  • Yes, web-based casinos – whether or not on a web site or even a mobile iphone app – in Quotes will give an individual a number of different online casino bonuses.
  • After reviewing many” “gambling online sites in Down under, we found On line casino Infinity to end up being the #1 choose for Australian gamers who prioritise safety.
  • While several may yarn regarding which casino surfaces the charts nationwide, Ricky Casino surely throws its loath in the engagement ring with full confidence.
  • More importantly, each and every safe online” “gambling establishment partners only along with reputable providers known for RNG-certified games, fair play, and powerful security measures to protect your data.

When you subscribe, a person will get some sort of $4, 000 added bonus and 400 free spins spread across your first 5 deposits. The very first deposit match is usually $300, and an individual can get out of bed in order to $1, 500 in your fifth one. If you are not keen on typically the game, you may pick the 100% downpayment bonus up in order to $2, 000 as an alternative. Neospin accepts debris from over 10 providers, including Visa, Mastercard, Neosurf, MiFinity, and several cryptocurrencies like Ripple and Bitcoin Cash. Casino Infinity supports e-wallets like Skrill, Neteller, Jeton, Sticpay, in addition to MiFinity, as well as creditcards. Instant transfers via Neosurf, Cash2Code, and Jetzt are also accessible.

Tips For Staying Safe At Australian On The Web Casinos

Eve Luneborg has been some sort of dynamic presence inside the online gambling establishment industry since 2014, starting at the burgeoning casino throughout Malta which includes right now become a leading gambling site. Initially a support real estate agent, she progressed in order to handling payments and even training new employees on processing withdrawals and KYC documents. It’s designed to be able to award loyalty plus encourage players to continue depositing in addition to playing at the particular casino. These job much like welcome bonus deals, but usually these people don’t double way up your deposit, although give you, such as a 50% improve.

  • These captivating games offer the mix of chance and entertainment, featuring some sort of wide array regarding themes, dazzling images, and exciting benefit features.
  • Personal preferences, game variety, security features, and customer support are typical important.
  • Please note that regulations can change and it’s important to check for the latest information from authoritative resources.
  • The best casinos websites in Australia have to offer a broad variety of high-quality casino games.
  • You can gain access to these” “internet casinos through mobile browsers or dedicated applications, where available.

Licensing and regulation participate in a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and fairness of online casinos. Top Australian online casinos are licensed simply by reputable authorities, offering a secure environment with regard to players. Regulated casinos undergo regular inspections to maintain good play and transparent operations. Dundeeslots appears out in the online on line casino world using its intensive offerings, focusing mainly on pokies in addition to table games. The platform features the wide selection of pokies with diverse themes and engaging mechanics, alongside classic table games such as blackjack and different roulette games. Live dealer online games represent the pinnacle regarding online casino technologies, offering an immersive and authentic betting experience.

Betting Sites Inside Australia

Once you’re clear with it, seem through our checklist and select a new casino that aligns together with your preferences. Annually, more and more players favor online casinos in order to land-based ones for various reasons. We performed an research and compared the experiences based upon several criteria. Mobile casinos and software have changed just how players engage inside virtual gambling simply by supplying the ease regarding playing on the go. There are several explanations why you should participate in in a online on line casino real money Sydney.

  • Matthew Vanzetti could be the first choice expert on pokies at Gamble On-line Australia, bringing years of firsthand expertise from Melbourne’s gambling establishment floors to his engaging articles.
  • Responsible gambling is essential for a new safe and pleasant online gaming knowledge.
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • The opportunities right here are endless, along with the latest releases, progressive jackpot pokies, bonus buys, casino games, and an outstanding table game collection.

Self-exclusion tools are usually implemented by on the web casinos to enable players limit their particular access for specific periods, helping them take necessary breaks or cracks from gambling. Players can activate these types of tools via the casino’s account settings, gaining control above their gambling action. Rakoo Casino offers special promotions, which include a generous welcome bonus and free spins, enhancing player knowledge. The platform usually runs promotional situations, allowing players to be able to earn additional advantages. Additional offers like 20% daily cashback and 100 free spins on Wednesdays make Neospin a new rewarding choice with regard to users.

“Evaluate Australia’s Best On The Web Casinos And Pokies Of 2024

Our Aussie online casino reviews focus on the significance of on line casino bonuses and special offers, which are a important factor for gamers. This section protects all the different goodies like welcome bonuses, free spins, plus VIP programs. Since its inception inside 2020, Cosmic Slot machine has swiftly ascended as a prominent on the web casino for Aussie players, offering the broad spectrum” “associated with pokies. The platform boasts an assortment of over 250 casino games, featuring live roulette—a favorite among table video game connoisseurs—as well since a variety of other classics.

  • Additional offers such as 20% daily cashback and 100 free of charge spins on Wednesdays make Neospin some sort of rewarding choice for users.
  • If this is your best time, we’ve got you covered with a step-by-step Aussie gambling guidebook to registering therefore you can start playing within the few minutes.
  • With instant play real cash casino websites, you will not be required to get any software to be able to play games or make bets.
  • We break straight down everything you want to find out so an individual can dive appropriate in and start playing at the best casino websites.

Reputable online casinos partner with impartial software auditing businesses, for example eCOGRA in addition to iTech Labs, in order to ensure their games are fair plus transparent. These auditors rigorously test the casino’s software in order to confirm that the Random Number Generator (RNGs) produce really random results. Online keno, a lottery-style game of opportunity, offers players the particular opportunity to attempt their luck and even win big by opting for numbers and wishing for the best. This simple yet engaging game has discovered a devoted following in the on the internet casino world. With its roots within ancient China and even a modern twist in the electronic age, Online Keno combines luck in addition to strategy when you select your numbers and even wait for typically the virtual draw. As noted above, throughout Australia, gambling at foreign online internet casinos is more decriminalised than it is definitely legalized.

Fair Plus Transparent Bonuses

Our testimonials dive deep in to these providers that will help you discover your fresh favorite games. Our experts provide truthful, unbiased reviews, updated regularly, with brand new ones added every single month. We acquire a commission from the bookmakers listed, although our reviews usually are real and good. Transactions can always be conveniently conducted in Australian dollars, streamlining the procedure for nearby players. In circumstance of inquiries or even issues, their consumer support can be found 24/7 to provide support.

  • For assistance, the platform excels with its readily available customer service, accessible through both reside chat and phone support.
  • Moreover, these casinos undergo normal audits to ensure justness and reliability.
  • Take” “a review of our curated number of online casinos intended for Australians, ranked using the aspects that issue most to an individual.
  • Getting your hands on the winnings adds that will extra buzz to the excitement of a winning streak.
  • These sites allow you to include a crack with the action without parting with your hard-earned dollars.

Based on our very own experience, we’ve curated a list of new casinos intended for you to choose from. Securing the particular most advantageous additional bonuses and promotions will be crucial for gamers looking to maximize their gaming potential. The best Australian casinos online are renowned for their very own generous offers, which in turn include welcome additional bonuses, no-deposit bonuses, in addition to free spins.

Popular Pages

Kingmaker’s live mobile phone casino is guaranteed by top studios worldwide, so an individual can expect very professional and pleasant dealers. They have everything neatly classified into Gold Gargote, Roulette, Blackjack, Game Shows, Baccarat plus Dice, Poker, in addition to more. New” “players get a 100% bonus of way up to $700 in addition 100 free moves in Gold Rush with Johnny Funds while using promo computer code CROWNS. On register, you’ll receive some sort of deposit match regarding up to $10, 000 plus one hundred spins with the particular code NEO100. You need to deposit at least $45 and wager typically the deposit bonus and even free rounds winnings to be able to unlock bonus earnings. Casino Infinity’s list includes traditional slot machines, video pokies, plus progressive jackpot pokies like Dragon Pursue and Buffalo Trail.

The tempo of these game titles mimics that associated with land-based casinos, providing a relaxed in addition to captivating gaming knowledge. Australian online internet casinos are known regarding their high payout rates, secure repayment methods, generous bonus deals, and mobile match ups. These features usually are crucial in supplying a seamless and enjoyable online casino gaming experience.

Customer Support Made Available From Online Casinos

This focus on catering to be able to Australian players improves the overall gaming expertise, making it because convenient as it is enjoyable. Once your account is definitely set up and even verified, you can explore the casino’s game library. Most online casinos Quotes give a wide range of games, like pokies, table games and live dealer games. Not simply should a web site have a great game selection, but it really must also end up being honest and handle players properly. This is why the best Australian online casinos partner with self-employed auditing companies this kind of as eCOGRA or iTechlabs.

  • This can be a game associated with chance that has become synonymous with casino glamour.
  • To find a great casino, Down under online players have to look for some sort of whole range of elements when deciding whether or not it’s right for all of them.
  • The objective is to be able to beat the dealer by having a hands value closest in order to 21 without exceeding beyond it.
  • You won’t need to reload each moment you play a different game is played, and a person like a larger” “gambling library.

That way you could go pick from the most effective on the web casinos for Australians and go immediately to the site of your choice and commence the fun. Australia is a region of excitement and interest, as well as history associated with gambling has of which same significance. Gambling is a part of human nature, in addition to Australians embrace that will need for competitors and enjoyment by way of things like Australian online casinos. Our team personally testing each casino, by signing up and lodging funds to enjoying games and withdrawing winnings. This hands-on approach guarantees that will our reviews derive from real user experience. We always emphasise the critical importance of customer support in online casinos.

Top 10 Finest Gaming Casinos Inside Australia

For top-quality online casino brands, we encourage you to notice our top Quotes internet casino list and even read a few of our skilled reviews. This need to at least provide you a sound judgment of what’s hot and what’s not really at the time. Unfortunately, Curacao internet casinos have sometimes recently been caught involved in questionable gambling practices. As a result, typically the Curacao license should not be considered inherently robust. The safety and even security of Aussie casinos that run under this permit are more using the company itself,” “not so much on the certificate.

  • These nevertheless function as genuine online casinos, as players can nevertheless win cash and even withdraw their winnings.
  • The library includes a wide range involving themes, classic 3-reel and modern 5-reel options, and lots of extra supplies to keep you entertained.
  • With real dealers, real playing cards, and real-time interaction, these games connect the gap involving land-based and online casinos.
  • A best Australian casino on-line in 2024 provides a a comprehensive portfolio of video games at the click on of a mouse button, and it takes just minutes to subscribe intended for a real money casino Australia bank account.

Whether you’re a new seasoned gambler or perhaps new to the web based casino scene, these resources and top-rated casino sites are sure to provide endless leisure and opportunities to win big. Banking flexibility is a hallmark with the top rated Australian online casinos, offering a wide range of protected and convenient options for deposits and even withdrawals. Players can consider traditional methods just like bank transfers plus credit cards to modern e-wallets and perhaps cryptocurrencies.

Your Favourite Free Online Pokies & Various Other Casino Games

Online gambling in Australia has received considerably in reputation and apart through classic land-based internet casinos you’ll find several different types regarding online sites. Let’s get a look with the most popular among Aussie casino site gamers. It is properly possible to perform endlessly with a sociable casino without ever investing a single buck. The Australian internet casino industry may seem confusing at very first, but in truth the law will be very simple to understand.

We abandon no stone unturned in examining every factor of the casinos many of us cover, including sport selection, promotions, and user experience. The selection of different roulette games games stands away, offering classic plus innovative variants that will engage both fresh and seasoned participants. Responsible gambling is definitely essential for a safe and pleasurable online gaming knowledge. Setting limits, using self-exclusion tools, in addition to seeking support solutions are key methods that help keep control over gambling activities. Each Aussie state has specific laws governing online gambling, so players must understand their nearby regulations. These state-specific regulations ensure that will internet gambling activities will be conducted within a new legal framework, supplying additional protection for players.

Australian Gambling Bodies In Addition To Regulator Members

Australia’s online casino sites cater to all forms of players together with different tastes for a bit of gaming enjoyment. So, let’s possess” “a review of the major distinctions between your biggest on the internet casino sites plus the new on the web casinos in the particular online casinos Sydney game. Many Australian players wonder about typically the difference between a social casino plus a real money online casino. In last year the situation transformed drastically, and typically the Interactive Gambling Work 2011 (IGA) had been enacted to specifically to tackle the Australian casinos circumstance. Although what the law states manufactured provision for that license of online sporting activities betting, this license wasn’t extended in order to regular online casinos. Instead, the law completely outlawed just about all regular AU on the internet casinos that provided real money games such as pokies, card game titles, poker and are living dealer tables.

  • It is definitely perfectly legal to be able to gamble at land-based casinos, but typically the law regarding Sydney online casinos will be different.
  • These work much like welcome bonuses, but usually they don’t double way up your deposit, but give you, by way of example a 50% boost.
  • Ensuring a safe plus responsible online wagering experience is vital.
  • The top on the internet casinos in Aussieland must offer a new wide selection involving payment options, covering a broad spectrum regarding payment limits.
  • The best Bitcoin internet casinos offer completely fee-free transactions with instant replenishments and lightning-fast cashouts.

Player reviews, RNG verification, and top quality customer support more enhance trust inside these platforms. Exploring each key feature in detail shows what makes the best online casinos in Australia be noticeable. A no first deposit bonus is really a campaign that allows gamers to get the bonus without generating an initial downpayment. It’s essentially totally free money or free spins offered by typically the casino as the gesture of information. Licensing and regulation One of the very first things we appear at is no matter if a casino is definitely properly licensed in addition to regulated, and comes after the Australian wagering laws.